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MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format PZC X=[0 or 1] Y=[0,1,2,3] Z=[1 to 100] F=[1 to 100] ,or
Units integer codes
Remembered Using SS Z
Tiger syntax
Format [addr#]PZC X=[0 or 1] Y=[0,1,2,3] Z=[1 to 100] F=[1 to 100] ,or
Units integer codes
Type Card-Addressed
Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z

PZC when entered alone runs the auto calibration routine that sets various internal parameters for optimal operation of the piezo top-plate. :A is returned on completion, :N-5 is returned if the routine failed.

X argument sets the auto calibration type to perform. 0 is for short calibration (default) i.e. only strain gauges offset is adjusted. While 1 is long calibration routine, with adjusts both strain gauge offset and the feedback gain. You will need a length gauge to run the full calibration routine. Ss z command is not applicable, settings will revert back to default when controller restarts. Note: Long calibration is not implemented for ADEPT card with TG-1000. Usage will end in an error.

Y argument sets the axis index to which the length gauge is assigned. Default is 0 i.e. X index in a 4 axis build. Ss z command not applicable, settings will revert back to default on controller restart.

Z argument sets the delay between routine runs, default is 35 i.e. 35ms. Units are in milliseconds. Ss z command not applicable, settings will revert back to default on controller restart.

F argument sets the position where controller moves the piezo top-plate before adjusting the strain gauge offset. Accepts values between 1 to 100, units are %, default is 50 i.e. middle of the piezo range. Ss z command is applicable, settings will be saved between controller restarts.

Please use HALT command to stop a running calibration routine; else the routine will leave incorrect settings on the ADEPT card.

Address: 29391 W Enid Rd. Eugene, OR 97402, USA | Phone: +1 (541) 461-8181
commands/pzc.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/31 03:47 by brandon