Table of Contents
MS2000, MFC2000, and RM2000 Controller
Safety Information
Tech Notes
Advanced Feature
Serial Commands
Command:AALIGN (AA)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut AA Format AALIGN [axis] = ### … Units 0-99, hardware potentiometer value
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut AA Format AALIGN [axis] = ### … Units 0-99, hardware potentiometer value Type Axis-Specific
Adjusts the drive strength by writing to a non-volatile on-board potentiometer. Normally done once at the factory (to a very conservative value) and never adjusted again. If the AA is off, the stage may be sluggish (too low) or it may oscillate, buzz, or sound like it's grinding (too high). After changing the AA value the AZERO command should be run until zeroed.
To optimize stage performance a high AA is desirable, but too high and there are big problems. AA can be increased until oscillations occur and then decreased by 1 or 2 as described at the page on tuning stages to minimize move time.
WARNING – The stage may move when the AALIGN command is sent.
Command:ACCEL (AC)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut AC Format ACCEL [axis] = [time in msec]… Units millisecond Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut AC Format ACCEL [axis] = [time in msec]… Units millisecond Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the amount of time in milliseconds that it takes an axis motor speed to go from stopped to the maximum speed (S command) during commanded moves long enough that the maximum speed is reached. It is also the duration of the deceleration / ramp-down time at the end of the move.
Setting the acceleration time to less than the motor's intrinsic time constant (~7 ms for the most common motors) is generally foolish. Overly-aggressive acceleration times lead to performance degradation over millions of moves. 25 ms acceleration time is generally only safe for short moves with small stages (i.e. when maximum speed is never reached, see section on small moves) and/or when the speed setting is a small fraction of the maximum. Larger values, e.g. 75ms or 100ms, are recommended for larger stages and/or long moves (where the speed is reached) with speed settings near the maximum, especially in heavy use applications. For stages with very coarse leadscrews and/or very heavy loads it is possible that the stage will not be able to keep up with very short acceleration times; when this happens the error buffer will have errors in the 90s.
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut AFADJ Format AFADJ [X=zero pot value] [Y=video amplitude value] [Z=value] Units integer Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut AFADJ Format [Addr#]AFADJ [X=zero pot value] [Y=video amplitude value] [Z=value] Units integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
X & Y values range between 0 and 100
. Y determines amplitude of the video signal entering the system. Setting a 0 value attenuates a video signal completely, while a setting of 100 lets the full signal go through. Attenuating a video signal also reduces the noise in the signal. If the focus value on the LCD reads 2047
, then the system is saturated with too much signal, try reducing the Y value.
X is the zeroing potentiometer; the value of X should be set such that, when Y is 0
, the focus value is also 0000
(or as close as possible).
Z sets the gain of the final Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) in the auto-focus system. Range: 0 to 3
. By adjusting this setting, a focus value for a sparse sample can be magnified to get better focus. If an incorrect value of gain is used, the ADC saturates and the focus value reaches 2047
. Upon system restart, the setting returns to its default value of 0. Perform an SS Z command to save the current gain setting in non-volatile memory.
Z=0 | 1x |
Z=1 | 2x |
Z=2 | 4x |
Z=3 | 8x |
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut AFC Format AFCALIB [X= contrast] [Y= frame offset] [F= switch axis] Units integer Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut AFC Format [Addr#]AFCALIB [X= contrast] [Y= frame offset] [F= switch axis] Units integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
The command without arguments will initiate series of auto-focus scans and selects various internal parameters for best focus value. Parameters changed by AFCALIB
are the Highlighted Area (AFLIM
), Zero Adjust (AFADJ
), and ADC Gain (AFADJ
). On some focus controllers, the AFCALIB
routine can also be activated by holding down the HOME button
for longer than 3 seconds. The AFCALIB
’s auto-calibration scans use the same speed and travel distance value that were set by the AFOCUS
command. NOTE: Please use the HALT
command or the \
to cancel an auto calibration – any other method may stop the move but may corrupt your settings.
X= Sets the minimum contrast value. During an auto-focus run, if the controller finds the difference between the maximum and minimum focus value to be less than the contrast value, it declares the run a failure and returns to the starting position. Default value is 10
Y= Frame Offset, a floating-point constant that maps to a time interval. Changing this number alters the sharpness of focus. The default values are 3.5 for motor driven focus drives, and 3.75 for piezo driven focus drives. This setting compensates for time lags inherent to the video processing.
F= Switch Axis; if your focus controller can control two focus axes, e.g., a motorized drive and a piezo drive, then you may have the option to choose which axis to use for auto-focusing. Every axis that the focus controller controls is assigned a number starting from zero. Check with ASI to determine if this option is available for your system and to get the number for each axis.
Executing AFC
alone will begin the Auto Calibration routine. Using AFC
with arguments will only set or read back those parameters.
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Format AFINFO Minimum Firmware Version Required v8.7+
- Tiger Syntax
Format [Addr#]AFINFO Type Card-Addressed Minimum Firmware version Required v3.26+
This command returns all the values of variables and constants that control Autofocus. It also returns maximum focus value found during last autofocus run, original location and location after frame offset was applied.
Command:AFLIM (AL)
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut AL Format [Addr#]AL [X=Log_amp_AGC] [Y=LED_intesity_pot] [Z=in_focus_mm] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut AL Format AL [X=Log_amp_AGC] [Y=LED_intesity_pot] [Z=in_focus_mm] Remembered Using SS Z
X and Y arguments of this command to directly read and write values (0 to 255) to the CRISP electronics digital potentiometers. (Not recommended for use with host software.)
The Z-argument specifies the focus precision (in millimeters) when the lock state changes from K or k to F. Useful for automatic checking of desired focus stability. Also useful to enforce a tighter or looser focus state before indicating a lock condition. Note that this value is overwritten whenever the NA of the objective is specified via the LR Y command as of November 2015.
- For Video Autofocus
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut AL Format [Addr#]AL [X= x-axis highlight] [Y= y-axis highlight] [Z= safety limit enable] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut AL Format AL [X= x-axis highlight] [Y= y-axis highlight] [Z= safety limit enable] Remembered Using SS Z
The X and Y values set the length and breadth of the Sampled/Highlighted Video area. Range is 0 to 100, with the value of 0 covering 0% of the video frame and 100 covering 90% of video frame.
The Z value enables or disables the 200 µm safety limit described in the AUTOFOCUS OPERATION section on page 4. Setting safety limit enable = 1 enables the safety limit; safety limit enable = 0 disables the safety feature. The default value is 1.
Caution: Disabling the safety limit could result in damage to your optics, your sample, or your focus drive.
AL X=80 Y=50 Z=1 :A<CR><LF>
AL :N-3
Error indicates missing arguments
AL X=1000 Y=-12 :N-4
Error indicates arguments out of range
AL X=90 Y=90 :N-5
Error indicates operation failed, try entering one argument at a time
AL X? Y? Z? :A X=80 Y=50 Z=1
Command:AFMOVE (AM)
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut AM Format AFMOVE [X=0 or 1] [Y=0 or 1] Units integer code (0 or 1) Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut AM Format [Addr#]AFMOVE [X=0 or 1] [Y=0 or 1] Units integer code (0 or 1) Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z At this time this Autofocus 2 feature isn't supported on Tiger controllers.
A mode command that influences subsequent commanded moves. If X=1
, then upon completion of a commanded XY move (MOVE and MOVREL), for example, MOVE X=123 Y=456 , a multi-axis controller will then automatically initiate an auto-focus.
enables the SAFE_TURRET module. Y=0
disables it.
Command:AFOCUS (AF)
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut AF Format AFOCUS X= [% of speed] Y= [travel distance in mm] Z= [Hill Detect enable] F= [Hill Offset] Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut AF Format [Addr#] AFOCUS X= [% of speed] Y= [travel distance in mm] Z= [Hill Detect enable] F= [Hill Offset] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
command will invoke an auto-focus routine using the speed and travel range specified by the previously set X and Y parameter settings. This routine can also be activated by pressing “@” button on most controllers. Entering AF
without arguments will initiate the auto-focus routine itself, whereas issuing an AF
with arguments will only set the parameters. An auto-focus scan can be canceled with HALT
command or by issuing the \
shortcut. When an AF
command is issued, the controller only replies after the operation is complete. It returns a :A[###]
if the operation was successful, or N-5
if there was an error.
X= Speed. Range is 0 to 100 denoting the percentage of the focus drive’s maximum possible speed to travel during an auto-focus scan. This speed is also used by the AFCALIB (or AFC) command.
Y= Total scan range in millimeters. The focus controller moves down one-half this travel distance, and then scans up the full travel distance. This range is also used by AFCALIB (or AFC) command.
Z= Search type; either 0 or 1. A value of 0 enables Normal mode, while a 1 enables Hill Detect mode. (Z values 2 and 3 are reserved for future use.)
F= Hill Offset. Range is 0 to 100 denoting a percentage of a hill. If the Search Type is Hill Detect, then this setting determines when the scan will end. Once a hill peak is detected, the scan will terminate when past the peak by the Hill Offset percentage value.
Command:AHOME (AH)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut AH Format AH [X=fast_0] [Y=slow_0] Units millimeters Required Firmware Module ARRAY Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut AH Format [addr#]AH [X=fast_0] [Y=slow_0] Units millimeters Type Card-Addressed Required Firmware Module ARRAY Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Set the location of the first array position when using the array module. The X setting is for the fast axis which is by default the X axis of the stage, but can be changed using the SN Y
and SN Z
settings (see SCAN command).
Without arguments, the command reads the current location and sets it to the first array position. When using arguments, fast_0
and slow_0
are coordinates expressed in millimeters.
- Array Module
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format AIJ [X=i] [Y=j] Units Array Location Required Firmware Module ARRAY MODULE
- Tiger syntax
Format [addr#]AIJ [X=i] [Y=j] Units Array Location Type Card-Addressed Required Firmware Module ARRAY MODULE
Used with the
command to move to array location(i, j)
, wherei
are the indices of the desired array location. TheAHOME
location is position(1, 1)
. The queryAIJ X? Y?
will return thei
locations where the stage is currently.Note that if no move actually occurs if the AIJ command moves to the current position. For example, if you use
to set the current position to coordinate(1, 1)
and then immediately issueAIJ X=1 Y=1
then the motors will not move and no output TTL pulse (if configured) will occur. If the desire is to get a pulse out at the(1, 1)
position, a workaround is to make a small relative move e.g.R X=100 Y=100
between issuing theAHOME
commands.The assignments of horizontal (“fast”) and vertical (“slow”) axes are done using the SCAN command. (most users will never need to change the defaults: the horizontal or X axis defaults to the card's first axis and the vertical or Y axis to the card's second axis.
- Tiger MicroMirror Phototargeting
Format [addr#]AIJ [X=horiz_position] [Y=vert_position] Units axis units Type Card-Addressed Required Firmware Module MM_TARGET Moves to the specified location
(horiz_position, vert_position)
subsequently pulses the laser TTL signal. Positions are specified in axis units (the same as used by the WHERE or MOVE command). If the X and/or Y argument is omitted, the corresponding position from the last AIJ command will be used. Note that the position is changed as a side effect of this command. The WHERE or MOVE command will change the beam position without pulsing the laser TTL signal.The TTL output used was the micromirror card itself (rarely wired to anything) until v3.35, but as of v3.36 the laser trigger backplane line is used instead so that the signal is more accessible.
The settling delay before turning on the laser and the laser pulse high time are specified using the WAIT and RTIME commands respectively.
Shortcut | ARM |
Format | ARM |
Remembered | Using SS Z |
Sending the ARM
command without arguments starts the self-scanning of the ARRAY_MODULE
This has the same effect as the ARRAY command without arguments. It is recommended that you use the ARRAY
command instead of the ARM
This command was previously related to the deprecated sequencer module.
Command:ARRAY (AR)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut AR Format AR [X=N_fast] [Y=N_slow] [Z=Δ_fast] [F=Δ_slow] [T=θ] Units X and Y in integer, Z and F in mm, θ tilt degrees from X axis Required Firmware Module ARRAY Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut AR Format [addr#]AR [X=N_fast] [Y=N_slow] [Z=Δ_fast] [F=Δ_slow] [T=θ] Units X and Y in integer, Z and F in mm, θ tilt degrees from X axis Type Card-Addressed Required Firmware Module ARRAY Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
command specifies the grid size and interval for the array module. Briefly, this sets up a grid of points that can be traversed automatically with simple TTL control or with the RBMODE or AIJ commands.
The size of the array is N_fast by N_slow points, with points spaced apart distance Δ_fast and Δ_slow (expressed in millimeters). By default X is the fast axis (where most movements occur) and Y is the slow axis (with periodic movements), but this can be interchanged using the SCAN command (e.g. SN Y=1 Z=0
will make the fast axis the 2nd axis on the card, the Y axis usually, and the slow axis being the 1st axis usually X).
The location of the first point in the array is set with the AHOME command.
The array pattern can be rotated using the T parameter where the value is specified angle in degrees. When the value is non-zero then both X and Y motors will move between each grid point; e.g. if set to 45 degrees then the X and Y motors will move by the same amount.
Without arguments, the AR
command starts self-scanning of the array. When the stage arrives on target, it will delay for a period of time set by the command RT Z=time_delay before continuing on to the next position. It is possible to repeat the array using the RM F byte.
Whether a raster or serpentine pattern is used is set using the SCAN F
setting (default is serpentine).
If you start the array scan with the AR command (no arguments), it will use an internal timer that moves to the next position independently of TTL-input triggered moves. If you are driving the array scan with TTL X=7, then you should use the RM command (no arguments) to simulate a TTL input and start the array scan. This will avoid using the internal timer.
Command:AZERO (AZ)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut AZ Format AZERO [axis]… Units Integers 0-255
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut AZ Format AZERO [axis]… Units none Type Axis-Specific
Automatically adjusts the zero balance of the motor drive card. The expected “zeroed” values of AZ are typically around 127, though acceptable values may fall between 90 and 164. If an axis is not zeroed, the stage may have very different performance in one direction compared to the other, e.g. it may have trouble landing from one direction.
If AZ replies with NOT Zerod , run it again. If its unable to zero, then you may need to change AA setting.
Command:BACKLASH (B)
- Motorized Actuator
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut B Format BACKLASH [axis] = [distance]… Units millimeter Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut B Format BACKLASH [axis] = [distance]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets (or displays) the amount of distance in millimeters of the anti-backlash move which absorbs the lash in the axis' gearing at the end of commanded moves1). This behind-the-scenes move ensures that the controller approaches the final target from the same direction, which improves repeatability when using rotary encoders. A value of zero (0) disables the anti-backlash algorithm for that axis. The default value depends on motor build but is 0.04 for most common 4 TPI leadscrew pitch with rotary encoder, 0.01 for most common 16 TPI leadscrew pitch, and 0.02 for the x-axis of scan-optimized stages. For linear encoders a backlash move is not necessary and there is no reason to change the setting from the default value of zero (0). Moves with manual input devices (joystick or knobs) do not have any anti-backlash move.
B X=.05 Y=.05 Z=0 :A B x? :X=0.040000 A
The command in this example will make the controller move the X and Y axes to a location 50 microns away from the final target before moving to the final target, while the anti-backlash algorithm for the Z axis is disabled.
- MicroMirror, Tiger Galvo and Tunable Lens Cards
Shortcut B Format B [axis]=[0.1 to 650] … Units Frequency in kHZ Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z This command is “recycled” for a different use in MicroMirror axes than for motor axes. In the context of a MicroMirror axis this command is used to set the cut off frequency of the 5th order Bessel filter. Units are in KHz. The lowest acceptable value is 0.1 (100Hz) and highest is 650 (650kHz). For a typical micro-mirror to avoid mechanical resonance this should be set no higher than 0.8 kHz.
Example:B R=0.1 S=0.1 :A
Sets 100Hz filter cut off freq for R and S axes
B P? Q? :P=0.4 B=0.4 A
Queries the filter cut off freq for P and Q axes
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut BCA Format BCA [X = @ Normal Press] [Y = @ Long Press] [Z = @ Extra Long Press] [F = Home Long Press] [T = Home Extra Long Press] [R = JS Normal Press] [M = JS Long Press] Units Integer code (see table below) Firmware Version Required 9.2g+ Remembered Automatically on power down. Not affected by SS Z or SS X. Before version 9.2m, SS Z used to save settings.
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut BCA Format [addr#]BCA [X = @ Normal Press] [Y = @ Long Press] [Z = @ Extra Long Press] [F = Home Long Press] [T = Home Extra Long Press] [R = JS Normal Press] [M = JS Long Press] Units Integer code (see table below) Type Card-Addressed Firmware Version Required 3+ Remembered Automatically on powerdown. Not affected by [addr]SS Z or [addr]SS X. Before version 3.3, [addr]SS Z used to save settings.
In Tiger
version 3.0+ and MS2000
version 9.2g+ the Button Function assignment has been rewritten to be more flexible. Every possible button function is now assigned a number. This function can be assigned to any button (@, Home, and Joystick Button) and any press duration (Normal, Long and Extra Long Press) through the BCA
commands X
, Y
, Z
, F
, T
, R
, and M
The settings of BCUSTOM
are automatically saved in non-volatile memory when changed, they will be available even on controller restart.
As of Tiger
version 3.18 and MS2000
version 9.2l a button function can be initiated over serial using the BE F
command (BENABLE). The function doesn't need to be assigned to a particular button for this to work. Note: this function does not interact with the button_flag_byte
, use EXTRA M=# if you need that functionality.
Note: Behavior of this command is very different pre-Tiger version 3.0 and MS2000 version 9.2g
As of MS000
version 9.2m+ and Tiger
v3.35+, it's possible to assign button functions to Home Normal Press
and Joystick Extra Long Press
using the BENABLE command. The parameters R and T are used, and follow the same behavior as BCUSTOM. The parameter M to sets the Zero/Halt Normal Press
button function with BENABLE M=#
Note: The Zero/Halt
button will always halt all axes on a button press unless you set the button function to 0 - No Function Performed
, which disables the halting routine. The halting routine happens as soon as you press the button, not in the release handler.
Example: #BENABLE R=0
to disable the home button normal press, where # is the Tiger card address.
Command:BENABLE (BE)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut BE Format BENABLE [X=Toggle] [Z=Enable_Byte] [F=Button_Function] [R=Home Normal Press] [T=JS Extra Long Press] [M=Zero/Halt Normal Press] Units None Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut BE Format [Addr#]BENABLE [X=Toggle] [Y?] [Z=Enable_Byte] [F=Button_Function] [R=Home Normal Press] [T=JS Extra Long Press] [M=Zero/Halt Normal Press] Units None Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Enables or disables button functions for the specified card and specified buttons, either all/none (X, or Toggle) or with finer granularity (Z, or Enable_byte). Toggle=0 disables all buttons and pulses; i.e. BE X=0 is equivalent to BE Z=0. Toggle=1 enables all buttons and pulses (default settings); i.e. BE X=1
is equivalent to BE Z=15
. Querying X returns the same as querying Z. Specific buttons can be enabled/disabled by explicitly setting the Enable_Byte
. The bits are set to one 1
when enabled or zero 0
when disabled, and are defined as follows:
Z parameter Enable_Byte
is bit-mapped number that determines which buttons are enabled or disabled as tabulated below. Bit5 is a special case; it changes the behavior of the physical button to zero the Z axis only and has been removed from Tiger code after v3.20.
Bit# | Button |
0 | “Zero” Button |
1 | “Home” Button |
2 | “@” Button |
3 | Joystick Button |
4 | Reserved |
5 | Zero Z Only (removed from Tiger after v3.20) |
6 | Reserved |
7 | Reserved |
F parameter Button_Function
is a positive integer code for the button function that will be executed. See documentation of BCUSTOM for a list of available button functions. This allows a button press to be simulated using a serial command. However, this will not modify the button_flag_byte
. This is available from Tiger v3.19 onward and in middle of Whizkid v9.2l.
If you need to call button functions that interact with the button_flag_byte
use EXTRA M=# instead.
Button Function Assignment Parameters
As of MS2000
9.2m+ and Tiger
v3.35+ you can assign functions from from the button function table in BCUSTOM to additional Home
and Joystick
button press durations.
R - assign a button function to Home Normal Press
T - assign a button function to Joystick Extra Long Press
M - assign a button function to Zero/Halt Normal Press
Note: The Zero/Halt
button will always halt all axes on a button press unless you set the button function to 0 - No Function Performed
, which disables the halting routine. The halting routine happens as soon as you press the button, not in the release handler.
- Tiger Example
To make Axis on Card#1 ignore the zero and home button, and only respond to Joystick and @ buttons.
Bit 3 and Bit 2 set to '1' , Bit 1 and Bit 0 set to '0'. Binary '1100' is Decimal '12'
1BE Z=12 :A
- MS2000 Example
To make all the axis on controller ignore the zero and home button, and only respond to Joystick and @ buttons.
Bit 3 and Bit 2 set to '1' , Bit 1 and Bit 0 set to '0'. Binary '1100' is Decimal '12'
BE Z=12 :A
- Additional Feature in Tiger Version 3.14+
Addressing the COMM card specifically (or omitting the address on the command) results in a different behavior. Disabling a button on the COMM card will result in disabling that functionality for all cards in the rack. This disabling happens at the COMM card so the other cards in the rack never receive notification of a change in the button's state. In this way, individual cards may be set to the desired functionality and a layer of control over all cards may be applied without affecting the settings on individual cards.
0BE Y?
query command provides a report of past button states. Every time one of the inputs is activated, the COMM card notes the activation by setting a bit in a status byte. That bit will remain set until the status byte is queried again on the COMM card with0BE Y?
. The result of the query will return the current status byte to the host, then clear the status byte (set all bits representing input sources to 0), thereby preparing the status byte for further button press detection. The format of the bits in the returned status byte is the same as the table above. A one1
on the specified bit represents the input has been activated since the last query.Starting with v3.21, a button that is held down during a serial query of button state will be reported as activated every query up through the one immediately following release. This can be used by high-level software to time button presses, e.g. if querying happens every second and the button is held down for 1.001 seconds then it will be reported as being held down twice. If the button is held down for 0.1 seconds then most of the time it will only be reported once, unless the query happens to occur during that 0.1 seconds in which case it will be reported twice.
Command:BUILD (BU)
- MS2000 syntax
Shortcut BU Format BUILD [X] [Y] [Z] Units none
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut BU Format [Addr#]BUILD [X] [Y] Units none Type Card-Addressed (defaults to COMM)
Command:CDATE (CD)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut CD Format CDATE Type Card-Addressed
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut CD Format [Addr#]CDATE Type Card-Addressed
This command returns the date and time that the current firmware was compiled.
- MS2000 Example
CD Dec 19 2008:16:19:59
- Tiger Example
1CD Dec 19 2008:16:19:59
This example shows that the firmware running was compiled on December 19th year 2008 at 4:19:59 PM.
Command:CNTS (C)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut C Format CNTS [axis] = [encoder counts per mm]… Units encoder counts per mm Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut C Format CNTS [axis] = [encoder counts per mm]… Units encoder counts per mm Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Changes axis' encoder counts per mm. For example, doubling this number would cause a given number of mm to be converted internally to twice as many encoder counts as before. A command to move the stage 2 mm would instead cause it to move 4 mm. MOST USERS DO NOT NEED THIS FUNCTION! If your stage is not moving as expected try making sure the leadscrew pitch is set appropriately with the CUSTOMA
\begin{equation} Cnts = {(6.5536 * 107) \over d} \end{equation}
where d
is the total range of movement in microns. For example, if the range of movement is -100um to +100um, then d = 200
, and Cnts = 327680
Note: For a piezo device, always set CNTS
first, then limits (SL
and SU
) afterward.
- MS2000 Syntax
Shortcut CCA,CA Format CCA X=n Y=m Z=o Remembered X automatically saved, Y and Z need SS Z
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut CCA,CA Format [Addr#]CCA X=n Y=m Z=o Type Card-Addressed Remembered X automatically saved, Y and Z need [Addr#]SS Z
For the Tiger programmable logic card this command is used very differently; for that see Tiger Programmable Logic Card (TGPLC) documentation and ignore this page.
Not implemented in Tiger except for programmable logic card, for that see Tiger Programmable Logic Card (TGPLC) documentation and ignore this page.
Shortcut | CCB |
Format | CCB Z=n |
Units | none |
Remembered | Using SS Z |
Planar correction functions.
Store current xyz location values x1, y1, z1…x3, y3, z3 respectively.
CCB Z=4 Calculate coefficients for planar correction function, and enable planar correction.
CCB Z=5 Disable planar correction.
CCB Z=6 Displays actual corrected current Z position as long integer.
displays the intended position of Z based on the most recently sent MOVE
, or HERE
Re-initialize to zero all Planar variables including x1, y1, z1…x3, y3, z3 and planar correction function coefficients. Disable planar correction.
Command:DACK (D)
- Motorized Actuator
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut D Format D [axis]=[ratio in mm/sec] … Units ratio in mm/sec Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut D Format D [axis]=[ratio in mm/sec] … Units ratio in mm/sec Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Sets motor speed control ratio, in mm/sec, of movement per DAC count. A DAC count is a value change of one (1) in the 8-bit integer written to the motor speed control register. MOST USERS DO NOT NEED THIS FUNCTION!
D X=.055 :A D X? :A X=0.055000
Incrementing/decrementing the motor speed control register by one DAC count increases/decreases X-axis stage speed by 0.055 mm/sec.
- MicroMirror
Shortcut D Format D [axis]=[0 to 1] … Units Unitless float between 0 and 1 Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z This command is “recycled” for a different use in MicroMirror axes than for motor axes. For MicroMirror axes it sets up a calibration constant or scale factor that is used to attenuate the scanner motion when used in internal input mode (as the implementation is in software it does not apply in external input mode). In tests we found that the two axis of the MEMS MicroMirror does not tilt by the same amount when similar inputs are applied. This may be critical for some applications. This parameter sets an attenuation, so both axes can be made to tilt the same amount. For example, if the S axis was found to be doing 85% travel of R axis then we could attenuate R to compensate by setting
D R=0.85 S=1
. Note that behavior is undefined if changed in the middle of a single-axis move or SPIM move on the same axis. N.B: This command was retired in v3.14 of the firmware because it wasn't being used and the internal implementation was complex.
D R=0.85 S=1 :A
Attenuates the travels of R axis by 15%.
Command:DUMP (DU)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut DU Format DUMP [X][Y][F] Units none
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut DU Format [addr#]DUMP [X][Y][F][R=mode][T=interval] Units none Type Card-Addressed Remembered not possible
Dump internal buffers to terminal screen.
The Tiger and MS-2000 controller has several built-in diagnostic capabilities that are useful for troubleshooting difficulties and for tuning the servo motion parameters. It is often useful to see how well the servo motion is tracking the theoretical trajectory. The controller has a built-in buffer that can hold 200 to 500 move steps. For best results, restrict testing to a single axis at a time; otherwise information from multiple axes will be interleaved in the dump buffer. Any motion from any axis will write information into the dump buffer until it is full.
, without arguments, dumps the Trajectory Buffer.
clears the trajectory buffer and error buffer.
dumps Error Buffer. See Error Codes for MS2000, RM2000 and TG-1000 Diagnostics
Prints controller log, it has information like the total time the controller was on, the total distance the XY stage has traveled and others. The log first has to be initialized with command DU F=999 . This is done in the factory, and we suggest users not reset the log as it may wipe data that is useful for later reliability tracing. In MS2000 firmware v9.50, CRLF was added to the end of the response to match Tiger.
DU R=mode
sets the trajectory buffer mode (introduced in Tiger v3.19). Mode 0 (default) means the trajectory buffer, once full, will not be changed further. Mode 1 continuously overwrites the trajectory buffer information so that the most recent move information is always present.
DU T=interval
sets the sampling interval for the trajectory buffer (introduced in Tiger v3.19). Default is 1 which adds to the trajectory buffer on every axis loop. Setting to e.g. 10 will add to the buffer once and then skip the next 9 axis loops. Handy for looking at longer-term trends.
- Tiger Example
1DU X Clears the dump buffers on card#1
Then make a short move, e.g.: M X=12345 [Moves about 1.23 mm] After the move is complete, you can dump the buffer to the screen: 1DU Dumps Trajectory Buffer on card #1
2DU Y Dumps Error Buffer on card #2
4DU F Dumps Card#4's Piezo History
4DU F=999 Resets Card#4's Piezo History
- MS2000 Example
DU X Clears the dump buffers
Then make a short move, e.g.: M X=12345 [Moves about 1.23 mm]
After the move is complete, you can dump the buffer to the screen:
DU Dumps Trajectory Buffer
DU Y Dumps Error Buffer
DU F Dumps Piezo History
DU F=999 Resets Piezo History
Command:ENSYNC (ES)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut ES Format ENSYNC [axis] = [position in mm]… Units Position in millimeters Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut ES Format ENSYNC [axis] = [position in mm]… Units Position in millimeters Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command lets the user set a position, in millimeters - absolute, which will toggle the TTL-level SYNC output when the stage crosses that position. When ENSYNC
is issued, the SYNC output is reset low. Whenever the stage crosses the ENSYNC
position, the output will toggle low to high and if crossed again, from high to low. ENSYNC
will only work with one axis at a time, either X or Y and depends on how JP1
is jumped (JP4
on Tiger/LX cards).
Note that the position “wraps” every 2^24 encoder counts, which is only a concern for very long travel stages and/or for very fine encoders.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut EP Format EP [axis]=[-1 or 1]… Units -1 or +1 only Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut EP Format EP [axis]=[-1 or 1]… Units -1 or +1 only Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Values are -1
and 1
. Adapts the firmware to the counting direction of the motor encoders. This setting is normally set by ASI and not changed.
See also CUSTOMA Z command which allows changing polarity of the coordinate system. Normally it is better to change that rather than the EPOLARITY
Command:ERROR (E)
- Motorized axis
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut E Format ERROR [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut E Format ERROR [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the Drift Error setting. This setting controls the crossover position error (in millimeters) between the target and position at which the controller considers an axis to be too far out of position when resting. When this limit is reached, the controller will re-attempt to move the axis back within the Finish Error (PC) limit. The current value for this setting can be viewed using the
command or by placing a?
after the axis name. Entries of zero value, e.g.,ERROR X=0
are ignored.Example
E X=0.0004 :A e x? :X=0.000400 A
Input values equal to or less than zero are acknowledged by :A , but ignored.
The command in this example would cause the controller to consider a difference between the target and the current position greater than 400nm to be too large. If this large of an error were detected, the controller would re-engage the move algorithm to place the position error back inside of the Finish Error (PC) limit.
WARNING: Make sure that the drift error
value is significantly larger than the value forPC
. Otherwise an landing might initially be considered complete but then afterwards lead to drift correction moves.For firmware built after Aug 2023 (v3.42 for Tiger) the E value is automatically set to at least 1.2x the PC value whenever PC is changed.
- TGPMT card
Shortcut E Format ERROR [axis]=[0 to 5]… Units integer code Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z On a TGPMT card, ERROR command has a different purpose and function. ERROR command sets the ADC averaging's sample size. Its a card wide setting, that affects both the PMT tubes. This only affects the value reported with the RDADC command. The Analog signal output on the BNC isn't affected.
ERROR [axis]= Simple Moving Average sample size 0 1 Avg routine disabled, reports RAW reading 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 Example
If TGPMT card axis is m
e m=2 :A
Sets the ADC averaging routine sample size to 4.
e m? :M=2.000000 A
Query the TGPMT card for ADC averaging routine sample size, 2 is reported, hence sample size is 4.
- MicroMirror card
Shortcut E Format ERROR [axis]=[correction in %]… Units integer code Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z On a Micromirror card
command has a different purpose and function. It sets the amount of bow correction applied to the axis. It is specified in units of percent deflection of the paired axis when the specified axis is at full deflection. The sign indicates whether a positive or negative deflection will be applied to the paired axis. It was introduced in Tiger firmware v3.18 along with the bow correction described below.Bow is an optical effect where the motion of a scanned beam takes on a slightly curved shape whenever the axis of the moving mirror's rotation is not orthogonal to the plane formed by input and output beams. Because the MEMS mirror inside the ASI scanner tilts in two dimensions, at least one axis will be subject to this effect. In a typical ASI light sheet scanner, the motion of the “fast axis” (e.g. the axis that is scanned to make a light sheet) will deflect slightly in the slow axis during scanning, whereas the motion of the slow axis is unaffected by the bow phenomenon. To counteract this optical effect, starting in firmware v3.18 the firmware applies a small opposite correction to the slow axis as the fast axis moves, and the magnitude of this correction is specified by the
command. The correction is quadratic relative to the displacement from the center of the mirror range (generally position 0), so maximum correction is applied at the edge of the mirror range.The default is -2% for the “fast axis” and 0.0 for the “slow axis” in each axis pair because this seems to be about right for a typical ASI scanner. This means that the slow axis position will be adjusted as the fast axis moves but not vice versa. The bow correction is applied during regular commanded moves, during single axis commands, and during the SPIM state machine. In the SPIM state machine it is assumed that only the fast axis has a non-zero bow correction coefficient.
The allowable range of correction is between -6.22% to +6.22%.
- Tunable Lens Card
Shortcut E Format ERROR [axis]=[DPT to DAC coefficient]… Units float Type Axis-Specific Remembered Automatically On a Tunable card
command has a different purpose and function. It sets the relation between the DAC(current) and Tunable lens's Diopter. Its used to compensate for temperature drift. More info here
Command:EXTRA (EX)
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut EX version 9.51 Format [Addr#]EXTRA [X?] [Y?] [Z=lock_ki] [M?] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut EX version 9.53 Format EXTRA [X?] [Y?] [Z=lock_ki] [M?] [M=button_code] Remembered Using SS Z
X? Provides the CRISP
bottom line string as is shown on the LCD display.
Y? Returns the SNR
value shown on the LCD after log amp calibration.
The Z argument sets the integral error servo parameter. The default is 1
. Higher values may improve speed settling but can also generate instability. Use sparingly.
This is also the lock_ki
value for CRISP
. When CRISP
enters the lock state (LK F=83
) it changes the KI Z value for the Z axis. KI Z
is restored to the initial value when CRISP
enters the stop state (LK F=79
When CRISP restores KI Z after using lock_ki, it uses a saved value that is set only once when the controller powers on. If you want to change KI Z, use SS Z and power cycle the controller so that it can restore KI Z to the correct value. It is not recommended to set KI Z unless you are an advanced user.
T?: The controller detects the resolution of the ADC during initialization. (MS2000 9.2p
and Tiger v3.42
- 0 ⇒ 10-bit ADC (
CPU) - 1 ⇒ 12-bit ADC (
M? Returns the button_flag_byte
and resets the value to 0
. (MS2000 9.2n
and Tiger v3.36
M=# Modify the button_flag_byte
with the button code and call the button functions associated with that code. (MS2000 9.2p
This command differs from BE F which does not modify the button_flag_byte
and only calls a single button function.
- Additional Details About M?
stores the state of the last detected button press for each button. When the controller is powered on, the value is initialized to0
. As the user presses buttons the value of thebutton_flag_byte
changes, it is important to note that this value only changes when you release the button.After receiving the
command, the internal value on the controller is reset to0
, enabling you to detect new button presses.If a button has already been pressed, and then is pressed again, the new state overwrites the old state for that button. Example: if you do a
Normal Press
and then aLong Press
on theJoystick Button
, the next time you send the “EXTRA M?
” command the state of theJoystick Button
will beLong Press
.Zero/Halt button presses only have the states 0 and 1. (Not Pressed and Normal Press)
is divided into four2-bit
sections that each contain the state of a button:Bits Button 1-2 @ Button 3-4 Home Button 5-6 Joystick Button 7-8 Zero/Halt Button Each
section can take on the values0-3
, these codes represent the state of the button.Code Type 0 Not Pressed 1 Normal Press 2 Long Press 3 Extra Long Press Example:
- @ Button Normal Press
- Home Button Long Press
- Joystick Extra Long Press
- Zero/Halt Normal Press
- Send serial command
Results of steps1-5
in binary:button_flag_byte = 00 00 00 01
button_flag_byte = 00 00 10 01
button_flag_byte = 00 11 10 01
button_flag_byte = 01 11 10 01
button_flag_byte = 00 00 00 00
(serial command reset
- Example Python code for extracting button states from the button_flag_byte
# the value returned from EXTRA M? button_flag_byte = 127 # bit masks mask_at = 0x03 # 00000011 mask_home = 0x0C # 00001100 mask_js = 0x30 # 00110000 mask_zero = 0xC0 # 11000000 # get the button states from button_flag_byte btn_at = button_flag_byte & mask_at btn_home = (button_flag_byte & mask_home) >> 2 btn_js = (button_flag_byte & mask_js) >> 4 btn_zero = (button_flag_byte & mask_zero) >> 6 # show the results in decimal and binary print(f"{button_flag_byte = } (binary {button_flag_byte :08b})") print(f"{btn_at = } (binary {btn_at:02b})") print(f"{btn_home = } (binary {btn_home:02b})") print(f"{btn_js = } (binary {btn_js:02b})") print(f"{btn_zero = } (binary {btn_zero:02b})") # console output: # button_flag_byte = 127 (binary 01111111) # btn_at = 3 (binary 11) # btn_home = 3 (binary 11) # btn_js = 3 (binary 11) # btn_zero = 1 (binary 01)
- Additional Details About M=button_code
This function allows you to simulate button presses programmatically through a serial command.
This command modifies thebutton_flag_byte
and calls the button functions associated with that button code.The button codes are the same values that are returned by
. The input value is clamped to the range: 0-127.If a button code represents multiple button presses then the button functions will be called in the order ⇒
@, Home, Joystick, Zero/Halt (LSB ⇒ MSB)You can expect the same behavior as if you were pressing physical buttons ⇒
- Send the command
= 3, @ Extra Long Press button function called. - Send the command
= 1, @ Normal Press button function called. - Send the command
= 5, @ Normal Press and Home Normal Press button functions called.
This demonstrates that button presses are overwritten as if you were interacting with the physical controller pressing buttons.
- Example Python code for creating a button_code
def create_button_code(at: int = 0, home: int = 0, joystick: int = 0, zero_halt: int = 0) -> int: assert at in range(4), "Must be in the range 0-3." assert home in range(4), "Must be in the range 0-3." assert joystick in range(4), "Must be in the range 0-3." assert zero_halt == 0 or zero_halt == 1, "Must be 0 or 1." button_code = 0 # bit masks BITMASK_AT = 0x03 # 00000011 BITMASK_HOME = 0x0C # 00001100 BITMASK_JS = 0x30 # 00110000 BITMASK_ZERO = 0xC0 # 11000000 # set bits button_code &= ~BITMASK_AT button_code |= at & BITMASK_AT button_code &= ~BITMASK_HOME button_code |= (home << 2) & BITMASK_HOME button_code &= ~BITMASK_JS button_code |= (joystick << 4) & BITMASK_JS button_code &= ~BITMASK_ZERO button_code |= (zero_halt << 6) & BITMASK_ZERO return button_code def main(): button_code = create_button_code(at=1, home=1) print(button_code) # prints 5 if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Command:HALT (\)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut \ (the backslash character) Format HALT
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut \ (the backslash character) Format HALT Type Broadcast or Card-Addressed command
This command will stop all active motors and other actuators too. If there are no errors, a positive reply of :A will be returned. If the HALT command is given while a commanded move is in motion, the controller will reply with the :N-21 error.
- Additional Notes for Tiger cards
It's usually a
Broadcast Command
but can be used as aCard-Addressed Command
as well. When addressed to a specific card, it stops motion on that card only. Note that to use as aCard-Addressed Command
the full commandHALT
must be used instead of the shortcut\
, because\
is handled quickly in the command parser.
Command:HERE (H)
The 'here' command differs on a TGPMT card from our other systems.
- Actuators, Piezos, MicroMirror etc
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
The HERE command sets the current reported position(s) of the axis(es) provided.
Shortcut H Format HERE [axis]=[position in 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns Remembered Automatically
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut H Format HERE [axis]=[position in 1/10 microns] or see below for clocked devices Units 1/10 microns Type Axis-Specific Remembered Automatically
Assign the specified number to the axis’s current position buffer. If no position is specified, 0 is assumed. For non-clocked devices, the unit of measurement is in tenths of microns. This defines the current position to be a specific distance from the origin (0).
Clocked Devices:
On clocked devices (filter slider, turret, mirrored port switch, etc), you can change position #1 or you can change the spacing between positions.
Change position #1“- Remove all axes from either the joystick or a knob (for example, the Z-axis from the Z-knob J Z=0).
- Assign the clocked device axis to that joystick or knob (for example, the M-axis to the Z-knob J M=22).
- Use the joystick or knob to adjust the axis to the desired position.
- Issue the 'here' command to set the position (for example, the M-axis H M=1).
- Restore (assign and unassign) the desired axes to the joystick / knobs as desired (for example, the M-axis from and the Z-axis to the Z-knob J M=0 Z=22).
Change the spacing between positions:
- Move to position #2 (for example, the M-axis M M=2).
- Remove all axes from either the joystick or a knob (for example, the Z-axis from the Z-knob J Z=0).
- Assign the clocked device axis to that joystick or knob (for example, the M-axis to the Z-knob J M=22).
- Use the joystick or knob to adjust the axis to the desired position.
- Issue the 'here' command to set the spacing (for example, the M-axis H M+.
- Restore (assign and unassign) the desired axes to the joystick / knobs as desired (for example, the M-axis from and the Z-axis to the Z-knob J M=0 Z=22).
Only available on MS2000 version 9.2m and above, TG1000 version 3.28 and above.
If there are no errors, the positive reply :A will be sent back from the controller
H X=1234 Y=4321 Z :A
The X position will change to 123.4 microns from the origin, Y will change to 432.1 microns, and the Z will be zeroed. Example
H X=1234 Y=4321 Z :A
The X position will change to 123.4 microns from the origin, Y will change to 432.1 microns, and the Z will be zeroed.
- TGPMT usage
Shortcut H Format HERE [axis]
HERE [axis]=0
Type Axis-Specific Remembered Automatically On a TGPMT card , this command this used to Zero the PMT signal reported by the RDADC command. When this command is issue , the current PMT signal is saved , and the controller begins subtracting it from the current PMT signal. Users can use this as a background subtract or offset feature.
User can cancel the zeroing by issuing
HERE [axis]=0
. Readings reported by RDADC command will not be altered anymore.Only the readings reported by the RDADC command are altered. 0-4V Analog PMT signal on the BNC connector is not altered.
This is a card wide-settings , both PMT0 and PMT1's reading are altered.
More details here.
h m :A
If the TGPMT card axis char is m. Saves the current PMTs readings and starts subtracting them from RDADC commands reported readings.
h m=0 :A
If the TGPMT card axis char is m. Clears the saved PMTs readings and stops subtracting them from RDADC commands reported readings.
Command:HOME (!)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut ! (the exclamation point character) Format HOME axis [axis] [axis] …
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut ! (the exclamation point character) Format HOME axis [axis] [axis] … Type Axis-Specific
Executes a halt and then moves specified axis motors toward their HOME
position. The default location for the HOME
position (1000 mm) is far past the positive limit of the stage travel. If a hardware or firmware limit switch is encountered, the motor will stop.
If there are no errors, an :A is returned.
Note that this is NOT the same thing as pressing the HOME button on the controller. The controller button executes a move to the zero position.
Command:INFO (I)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut I Format I axis [Axis] …
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut I Format I axis [Axis] … Type Axis-Specific
This command returns the current values of various variables and constants that control the way the specified axis performs, as well as its current status.
Command:JOYSTICK (J)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut J Format JOYSTICK [axis]± or
JOYSTICK [axis] = [Manual Input #]Units Unitless integer, see table below Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut J Format JOYSTICK [axis]± or
JOYSTICK [axis] = [Manual Input #]Units Unitless integer, see table below Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command enables (+) or disables (–) the input from the default manual control device for the axis (joystick or knob). If you specify an input device number dev, the axis specified will be connected to that input device
Command:JSSPD (JS)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut JS Format JSSPD [X=fast] [Y=slow] [Z=knob_speed] [F=xy_knobs_fast] [T=xy_knobs_slow] Units integer Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut JS Format [Addr#]JSSPD [X=fast] [Y=slow] [Z=knob_speed] [F=xy_knobs_fast] [T=xy_knobs_slow] Units integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the relative motor speed for maximum deflection of the joystick to the values specified. Values between 0.1 and 100 (%) are acceptable, or -100 to -0.1 (negative setting reverses the direction). (Alternatively on Tiger the joystick direction can be set using the CUSTOMA Z command, parameters 22-25).
Pressing the joystick button toggles between the fast and slow settings by default.
is a signed value that sets the relative speed and direction of the encoder knob (not commonly used on TG-1000).
and xy_knobs_low
are used to set the fast and slow speeds for XY_KNOBS and ZF_KNOB, which respond to input from the two knobs on the side of the TG-1000 joystick. Note this is different from MS-2000 where the F parameter sets the slow speed and the fast speed is equal to the low speed multiplied by the T parameter raised to the third power. (Prior to stage firmware version 2.87 the implementation for F and T was like MS-2000.)
If there are no errors, the positive reply :A will be sent back from the controller.
- Tiger Example
1JS X? Y? :A X=80.000000 Y=3.000000
- MS2000 Example
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut KA Format KA [axis]=n… Units unitless integer Type Axis Specific Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut KA Format KA [axis]=n… Units unitless integer Remembered Using SS Z
Adjusts acceleration gain parameter in the servo loop where n is a signed integer. The default value is 0
Note: Before Tiger v3.20
and Whizkid 9.2l
, the KA
and KADC
commands adjusted the overall servo gain. KADC
was primarily used for CRISP
. The KA
command sets the servo acceleration gain feed forward constant. The LR T command replaced KADC
KA Z? :A Z=0
- Motorized Axis
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut KD Format KD [Axis]=### Units Integer Remembered Using SS Z Sets the servo derivative error term constant, the integer value KD. Usually set to zero (0). Especially useful when inertia is a factor to improve settling time and stability.
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut KD Format KD [Axis]=### Units Integer Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Sets the servo derivative error term constant, the integer value KD. Usually set to zero (0). Especially useful when inertia is a factor to improve settling time and stability.
Prior to Tiger v3.46 setting this value would double the input.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut KI Format KI [Axis]=### … Units integer Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut KI Format KI [Axis]=### … Units integer Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Sets the servo integral error term constant, the integer value ki. Larger values of ki reduce the time for small errors to be corrected at the finish of a move, but decreases stability if set too large.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut KP Format KP [Axis]=### … Units integer Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut KP Format KP [Axis]=### … Units integer Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Sets the servo proportional error term constant, the integer value kp. Larger values of kp increase the stiffness of the response to loss of position, but decreases stability if set too large.
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut KV Format KV [axis]=n… Units unitless integer Type Axis Specific Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut KV Format KV [axis]=n… Units unitless integer Remembered Using SS Z
Adjusts motor gain parameter in the servo loop where n is a signed integer. Default depends on motor and leadscrew pitch but is generally within 10% of the ideal value. Ideal value will change with speed setting, especially when AA is far from maximum.
KV Z? :A Z=39
KV Z=40 :A
Supported on MS2000 only
Shortcut | LCD |
Format | LCD “string” |
Units | ASCII Characters |
Displays the quoted string on the bottom line of the LCD in place of the version information (DIP SW #2 DOWN).
The quotes are syntactically required. If the quotes are not present, or one is missing, then the command will clear the LCD line. This command is write-only and will not return the contents of the LCD line if queried.
LCD “my super string” causes the last line of the LCD to be updated to: my super string
However, if issued this command: LCD my serial string or LCD ? or just LCD, then the last line of the LCD display will be cleared (with no characters present).
- On Tiger with Two Axis Card
Format [Addr#]LED X=[0 to 100] Type Percentage between 0 and 100 Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z Firmware Required STD_XY_LED Sets the brightness of ASIs LED illuminator by generating PWM through TTL out. TTL out mode should be set to ‘9’ (i.e. TTL Y=9). Enable out from the LED illuminator should be connected to TTL out on controller. This setting can be saved in non-volatile memory using the SAVESET command. The PWM frequency is 1.3KHz. It’s a Card-Addressed command.
The LED command has a slightly different format on a TGLED card. Refer to TGLED card user guide for more details.
NOTE: If you are encountering flickering, try adjusting your shutter speed to integer multiples of the PWM period (0.77 ms).
- On Tiger and TGLED card
Format [Addr#]LED X=[1 to 100] Y=[1 or 100] Z=[1 or 100] F=[1 or 100] Type Percentage between 0 and 100 Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z This command is “recycled” for a slightly different use in TGLED than for other cards . In the context of a TGLED card this command is used to set the individual brightness percentage of the LEDs connected to the card. Setting the brightness to 0% results in LED to be off. Setting the brightness to 50% results the in the LED being driven with PWM with 50% duty cycle. Setting the percentage to be 100% results in the LEDs to turn on fully.
X sets the brightness for LED connected to channel 1, Y sets the brightness for LED connected to channel 2, Z sets the brightness for LED connected to channel 3, and F sets the brightness for LED connected to channel 4.
Default is 50.
1LED X=10 Y=50 F=0 :A
Sets the Brightness of LED connected to Channel #1 to be 10% , Channel #2 to be 50% and Channel #4 to OFF. Brightness of Channel #3 will be unchanged.
1LED X? Y? Z? F? X=10 Y=50 Z=50 F=0 :A
Queries the card for Brightness of LEDs connected to Channel #1,#2,#3 and #4
- On Tiger with Micro-mirror card
Format [Addr#]LED X=[output] Y=[switich_time] Z=[laser_mode] R=[Side0_state] T=[Side1_state] Type Integer (see below) Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z Firmware Required MM_LASER_TTL The LED commands are used to control the laser outputs of the card (Micro-mirror card backplane connectors, usually output by the Programmable Logic Card or TTL card in early versions). The origin of these commands was for MM_SPIM firmware, but a separate define MM_LASER_TTL was created so that it could be used in other situations as well. This documentation for v2.88+, though the Y parameter was added ~v2.86. In general these only apply when the auxiliary TTL output mode is set to 1 (TTL T) and when the SPIM state machine is not running.
output (X): selects which logical laser is on when the SPIM state machine is not running. The exact hardware output depends on bits 0-2 of the LED Z setting. X=0 means neither laser is on, X=1 means the Side0 laser is on, X=2 means the Side1 laser is on, and X=3 means both lasers are on (LED Y setting applies in this case). Requires TTL T (aux_IO_mode) setting to be 1. Setting is overridden during SPIM state machine operation.
switch_time (Y): sets the switching time in ms between the laser outputs when the SPIM state machine is not running and when both lasers are active per the LED X command. Used to simulate the effect of a passive 50/50 beam splitter, which is particularly useful during alignment. Default is 10ms, cannot be set less than 1ms.
laser_mode (Z): determines the behavior of the laser TTL outputs, both when using the LED settings and also during the SPIM state machine.
- Bits 0-2 form a code 0-7 selecting how the logical laser outputs are converted to physical TTL outputs. Setting should correspond to the physical hardware connected to the laser TTL outputs. Specifically
- code 0 for individual laser shutters for the two sides (default until v3.01)
- code 1 for single laser with side switch (Side0 is laser shutter for both sides and Side1 is high when the second side is active) (default v3.01+)
- code 2 for Side0 high when the first side of SPIM is active, Side1 high when the second side of SPIM is active
- code 3 for single laser (Side0) automatically turned on during a FAST_CIRCLES move
- codes 4-7 are reserved for future use
- Bits 3-7 are reserved for future use and currently cannot be set
Side0_state (R): can be set to 1 or 0 as shorthand for turning on/off the Side0 laser without affecting the state of the Side1 laser. It is equivalent to querying the logical laser output state (X), changing the LSB, and then setting the output state (X). Introduced in v3.11.
Side1_state (T): can be set to 1 or 0 as shorthand for turning on/off the Side1 laser without affecting the state of the Side0 laser. It is equivalent to querying the logical laser output state (X), changing the 2nd bit, and then setting the output state (X). Introduced in v3.11.
- On MS2000 or RM2000
Format LED X=[1 to 100] Y=[0 or 1] Z=[0 or 1] F=[0 or 1] Type Percentage between 0 and 100 Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required LED DIMMER X argument sets the brightness of ASIs LED illuminator by generating PWM through TTL out. TTL out mode should be set to ‘9’ (i.e. TTL y=9). Enable out from the LED illuminator should be connected to TTL out on controller. This setting can be saved in non-volatile memory using the SAVESET command.
If you encountering flickering in a live image, try adjusting your shutter speed to avoid aliasing with the LED PWM frequency. The PWM frequency is 1 KHz.
Y, Z, and F arguments provide on/off control for additional LED lamp connectors on some controllers. Not PWM dimmable.
- On MS2000 with Dual LED
Format LED X=[0 to 100] Y=[0 or 100] R=[0 or 100] T=[0 or 100] Type Percentage between 0 and 100 Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required DUAL_LED Default Values X=20 Y=20 R=100 T=100 Dual LED is a modern two LED driver for MS2000. Instead of using PWM to dim the LED, DUAL LED varies the current applied to dim the LEDs (DC constant current driver) resulting in very little flicker even at high shutter speeds. The brightness of the two LEDs can be independently set using the X and Y arguments of the LED command. At 100% brightness about 900ma is applied to the connected LED. The DUAL LED board can supply up to 900mA to two LEDs simultaneously, with both channels independently controllable.
The DUAL LED command also has a current limiting feature, where the user can set the maximum allowed brightness of the two LEDs with R and T arguments. This setting is saved in a non volatile memory on the PCB , so this setting is preserved even after firmware upgrade. R and T are both defined as the upper-limit that X and Y can be set to. R corresponds to X and T corresponds to Y.
For example, an LED with maximum rated current of 100ma is attached to channel 1. Then setting LED R=10 will limit the maximum applied current to 90ma by limiting X to no greater than 10.
X sets the brightness for LED connected to channel 1,
Y sets the brightness for LED connected to channel 2,
R sets the maximum brightness for LED connected to channel 1, and
T sets the maximum brightness for LED connected to channel 2.
LED X=10 Y=50 :A
Sets the Brightness of LED connected to Channel #1 to be 10% , Channel #2 to be 50% .
LED X? Y? X=10 Y=50 :A
Queries the card for Brightness of LEDs connected to Channel #1,and #2.
LED R=10 :A LED X=50 :A LED X? X=10 :A
User sets the maximum brightness of LED#1 to 10%. If the user tries to increase the brightness beyond 10%, its overwritten by maximum brightness settings and limited to 10%.
Command:LLADDR (LL)
Shortcut | LL |
Format | LLADDR X=xaddr Y=yaddr Z=zaddr LLADDR X? Y? Z? |
Remembered | Using SS Z |
Sets the address of the axis used by the low level command set. The default values are X=24
, Y=25
, and Z=26
. Some systems require X=1
, Y=2
, and Z=3
. This setting can be saved in non-volatile memory using the SAVESET
Command:LOAD (LD)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut LD Format LOAD [Axis]=### … Units position in 1/10 microns Remembered not saved Firmware Module Required RING BUFFER
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut LD Format LOAD [Axis]=### … Units position in 1/10 microns Type Axis-Specific Remembered not saved Firmware Module Required RING BUFFER
function places a set of position coordinates in the next available internal ring-buffer memory location. The position values are expressed as floating point numbers representing tenths of a micron, the same as the MOVE
command. If a +
is specified instead of =###
, then the current position of the axis is stored in the ring buffer (as of Tiger firmware v2.81 and MS2000 firmware v9.2g). For example, the command LOAD X+ Y+ Z=0.1
would store the current position of the X and Y axes and the Z position of 10nm to the ring buffer. The ring buffer contains 50
positions by default; contact ASI for the option of having 250
positions in the ring buffer (but this entails certain tradeoffs).
The coordinates for the next move may be queried by using the command LD X? Y? Z?
. Setting the current buffer position and initiating moves to locations stored in the buffer can be done using the RBMODE command (see below), or by using a front panel button. The LOAD
operation increments the number-of-positions counter accessed using RM X?
(see the RBMODE command). In TG-1000 the ring-buffer is stored and executed on a per-card basis. If positions for one or more axes on one card are specified but others are not, the position of the unspecified axes during the ring buffer execution will not be well-defined. To clear the buffer, type RM X=0
The current stage position (for all axes with RING_BUFFER
firmware) may be loaded into the ring-buffer by pressing the Joystick button for 3 seconds and releasing.
As of Tiger 3.41
and MS2000 9.2o+
an error code is returned when the ring buffer is full, the old behavior was to always return :A
even when no positions are open.
Expected Response:
:N-5 → position not loaded
:A → position loaded
CAUTION: If you are using TTL mode 12 (see the TTL command), the values entered into the ring buffer using the LOAD command represent RELATIVE coordinates, not ABSOLUTE coordinates. You must drive the stage to the appropriate starting position before triggering any ring buffer sequence.
Command:LOCK (LK)
This command has slightly different usage for CRISP, Phototrack, and SERVOLOCK_TTL, and very different use for TGPMT card.
- CRISP usage
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut LK Format [Addr#]LK [X] [Y] [Z=lock_offset] [F=code] [M=logAmp_calibration_value] [T=sum] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut LK Format LK [X] [Y] [Z=lock_offset] [F=code] [M=logAmp_calibration_value] [T=sum] Remembered Using SS Z
command without any arguments advances to the next system state just as would a short-press of the @ button.X [
]:LK X?
returns the single character indicating the current CRISP system state as described in the table CRISP System States. For historical reasons, do not useLK X
to set the current state, instead useLK F
.Y [
]:LK Y?
returns the current value of the focus error which is also shown on the LCD display. As ofTiger 3.39
andMS2000 9.2n
this command returns the exact value on the LCD, previously it didn't account for the system state and only returned the relative focus error.Z [
]:LK Z?
returns the current value of the focus errorlock_offset
. The offset is automatically determined during calibration and is modified when the command wheel on the controller is used to focus a locked system. The offset is also reset with a >10 sec. press of the @ button. A particular value oflock_offset
may be set usingLK Z=lock_offset
.F [
]:LK F=code
will unconditionally set the focus state. Code is the ASCII decimal equivalent for the 'state' character that is displayed on the LCD. For example, to unconditionally enter theB
state the command would beLK F=66
. Not all states are best entered directly. See the CRISP System States table for the appropriate ASCII code to enter a particular state gracefully.M [
]:LK M?
will query the value set by the logAmp calibration routine (entered usingLK F=72
). You can useLK M=#
to set it manually, which is only advised if you have previously calibrated and know the correct value. See Saving Calibration and Offsets for more details. Available onTiger v3.39
andMS2000 9.2n
firmware.T [
]:LK T?
returns the current CRISP sum value which is also shown on the LCD display. Available onTiger v3.39
andMS2000 9.2n
firmware.Note: The results of
andLK T?
can change depending on the system state, more information can be found in the LCD Display section of the CRISP manual. For the most part you don't have to worry about it, as the results only change in the diagnostic statesA
, andM
LK X? :A R
Shows that CRISP is in the READY state.
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut LK Format [Addr#]LK [X] [F=code] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
command without any arguments toggles theSERVOLOCK_TTL
function from active to inactive. As short-press of the @ button will also do unless the firmware build also has CRISP, in which case CRISP takes priority. See full documentation of SERVOLOCK_TTL firmware module.LK X?
returns the single character indicating the current state, which forSERVOLOCK_TTL
is the letterT
for enabled andZ
for disabled. If CRISP is also present in the firmware module then those states will also appear. LK F=code will unconditionally set the focus state. UseLK F=84
(ASCII letterT
) to enableSERVOLOCK_TTL
control andLK F=90
(ASCII letterZ
) to disable it when done
- TGPMT usage
Shortcut LK Format [Addr#]LK [X] [Y]
[Addr#]LK [X?] [Y?]
Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z This command has a different function on a TGPMT card. Here its used to check the status of PMT (overloaded or not). Then if it is overloaded, issue a reset pulse to clear the overload. Duration of the reset pulse is set with the RT Y command
[addr#] LK X?
, Query PMT0's status. Controller return a 0 if Overloaded, and 1 if not overloaded.[addr#] LK Y?
, Query PMT1's status. Controller return a 0 if Overloaded, and 1 if not overloaded.[addr#] LK X
, Issue a reset pulse to PMT0.[addr#] LK Y
, Issue a reset pulse to PMT1.Alternately, the status of the PMTs is also indicated by the LEDs on the TGPMT card (Green is ok, Red is overloaded). And the reset button can be pressed to clear the overload state.
7lock x? :A 0
Query the status of PMT0 on TGPMT card at address 7 for status. 0 is returned, indication PMT0 is overloaded
7lock x :A
Issue reset pulse to PMT0 on TGPMT card at address 7.
7lock x? :A 1
Overloaded was cleared, Query the status of PMT0 on TGPMT card at address 7 for status again. 1 is returned, indication PMT0 is NOT overloaded
- On Phototrack systems
Shortcut LK Format LK [X] [Y] [Z=sum_min] [F=quad_order] Remembered Using SS Z LK
with no argument performs same action as “@” short press.LK X
performs same action as “@” long press.LK Y
performs same action as “HOME” very long press.Use sum_min to set the minimum sum-signal level required for tracking the sample. If the sum signal is less than sum_min, tracking will PAUSE.
The quad_order is the relative orientation of the PMT assembly and is normally set during calibration.
Command:LOCKRG (LR)
This commands function changes if the system has a Phototrack module or CRISP/SERVOLOCK_TTL module.
- On CRISP systems
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut LR Format [Addr#]LR [X=cal_gain] [Y=objective_na] [Z=lock_range] [F=cal_range] [T=loop_gain] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut LR Format LR [X=cal_gain] [Y=objective_na] [Z=lock_range] [F=cal_range] [T=loop_gain] Remembered Using SS Z
command allows the user to control of several system variables.X
: The X parameter,cal_gain
, is the gain variable normally obtained from running the calibration sequence. Although not recommended, it can be changed with this command, but it will be reset upon running the calibration sequence.Y
: The Y parameter sets both thecal_range
focus depth (LR F
) and also thein_focus_mm range
) appropriately for the specified numerical aperture of the objective. The computed values can be read and/or overridden using theLR F
commands respectively.Z
: The Z parameter controls the maximum excursion (in either direction) of the stage from the position where the Lock state was initiated before the system generates an error condition and unlocks. The valuelock_range
is in units of millimeters. The default value is 1.0 mm.F
: The F parameter controls the excursion of the stage in the dither state of the calibration sequence. The default value forcal_range
is 0.005 mm. Setting the objective's NA usingLR Y
will change this value.T
: The T parameter controls the gain multiplier or loop gain. The default value is 4.Note: Firmware with a compile date prior to November 2016 used the
command to the set loop gain. Firmware builds from November 2016 to March 2018 have bothKADC
andLR T
commands which have an identical effect. Note: withLR T
the axis character does not need to be specified.
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut LR Format [Addr#]LR [Z=lock_range] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
The SERVOLOCK_TTL module uses the
command to set the maximum excursion. If CRISP is also present then the same setting is shared by both modules.The Z parameter controls the maximum excursion of the stage from the position where it was initially locked before the system generates an error condition and unlocks. The value lock_range is in units of millimeters. The default value is 1.0 mm.
- On Phototrack system
Shortcut LR Format LR [X=cal_value] [Y=xy_lock_range] [Z=z_ lock_range] [F=cal_range] Remembered Using SS Z This command sets range limits for tracking and autofocus systems. For XY tracking systems, the excursion from the point of lock for both the X and Y axes in millimeters is set with the lock_range value using the Y parameter. If the system encounters a lock_range or focus_range limit, servo tracking is terminated.
Cal_range is the distance in millimeters of the stage movement for automatic calibration of the Tracking or Focus system, set using the F parameter. The result of such a calibration is the cal_value, which can be set explicitly with the X parameter or queried using
. The tracking parameters can be displayed on the serial terminal usingLR Z
LR X? Y? F?
returns the current value of the parameters.
Command:LOCKSET (LS)
Shortcut | LS |
Format | LS Z=[focus_trim] |
Required Module | AF-DUAL system |
The command directly sets the focus_trim value normally adjusted with the control knob after locking.
:A is returned upon receipt of the command.
The Maintain command has a different function in case of a piezo actuator then a motorized actuator
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut MA Format MAINTAIN [Axis] = [0 to 3]… Units integer codes, see table below Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut MA Format MAINTAIN [Axis] = [0 to 3]… Units integer codes, see table below Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
- Function for Motorized Actuator (xy stage, z drive etc)
The maintain command specifies the behavior of the controller after move completion. Move commands complete when the stage moves to within the finish error tolerance of the target position (''PCROS'' or ''PC'' command). Another relevant setting is the drift error (''ERROR'' or ''E'' command). The actions for various code values are:
Code Description 0 [default] Post-move, when the controller detects drift from target specified by the drift error value, it will return the stage axis to the target several times (18) within a timeout period (~0.5 sec.) before declaring a move error code 60 and giving up further attempts. 1 Post-move, the controller will indefinitely continue to try to reach target when drifts greater than the drift error are detected. With codes 0 and 1, the motor drivers are turned off when the stage reaches the finish error tolerance. 2 The motor drivers remain on and the servo loop remains active. NB: making a manual move (e.g. joystick) may turn the motors off. 3 Drivers remain on and servos active for the post-move time set by the ''WAIT'' or ''WT'' command. The system BUSY is released when the finish error tolerance is first achieved. Setting the WAIT time sufficiently long can stabilize post-move drifts during data recording, but then allow for less power consumption of the driver amplifiers when waiting between moves. 4 Reserved 5 Servos Disengage. For example with motorized turrets this will allow the user to manually move the turret. If there are no errors, the positive reply :A will be sent back from the controller.
- Function for Piezo Actuator
This feature is only available on Tiger system
This command is “recycled” for a different use in piezo axes than for motor axes. For ADEPT piezo cards sets the maintain code. Currently 2 modes are implemented with the following codes:
MA [axis] = Mode 0 default 1 Overshoot algorithm Mode 0 is the default where the piezo DAC is set and the piezo drive electronics apply a voltage to the piezo to move the piezo to the correct position as measured by the strain gauge.
Mode 1 is the overshoot algorithm which may reduce the setting time in many circumstances where speed is critical and the user is willing to do some tuning. The piezo DAC is set as if the move were traveling past the actual target according to an overshoot percentage set by the
setting. The idea is to slew more quickly initially. When an exit condition is reached the piezo DAC is set to the desired final position. There are two exit conditions, meeting either one or the other is sufficient:
(1) the strain gauge indicates that the piezo is at least halfway to the final position or
(2) the maximum time for the overshoot to be applied set by the PZ R is reached.
Note: At one point this behavior was controlled using the PM command. It was shifted over to MA starting in v3.06 but not in its current form until v3.11. Using this anything besides the default setting with firmware between v3.06 and v3.10 is not recommended.
Command:MOTCTRL (MC)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut MC Format MOTOCTRL [Axis]±
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut MC Format MOTOCTRL [Axis]± Type Axis-Specific
This command enables +
or disables -
the controller’s ability to control the motor of a certain axis. The motor control voltage is set to zero and the position feedback control is not monitored when the motor is in disabled -
mode. The electronics of the controller will attempt to keep the motor from moving while disabled, however, it should be noted that this is an open-loop brake control only, and any movement or drift is not corrected.
When queried with MC <axis>?
, the controller returns values of 1
or 0
representing enabled and disabled respectively. The MS2000
controller may also return a value of 2
if the clutch is disengaged, there is a switch on the front of the controller to toggle the clutch state.
If there are no errors, the positive reply :A will be sent back from the controller.
Command:MOVE (M)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut M Format MOVE [Axis]=[units 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut M Format MOVE [Axis]=[units 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns Type Axis-Specific
Move one or more axis motors to an absolute position. Uses the scaling of the ''UM'' command, i.e. usually 10ths of microns for stages. If no position is specified, 0 (the origin) is assumed.
For devices with CLOCKED POSITIONS
(e.g. turrets and filter sliders), the position is an integer value between one and the number of positions. Note that ASI filter wheels have a separate command set described in the filter wheel documentation.
A positive reply of :A is sent back when the command is received correctly. Reception of the reply does not mean the end of execution, and the command STATUS
can be used to determine if the move has been completed.
Command:MOVREL (R)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut R Format MOVREL [Axis]= [units 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut R Format MOVREL [Axis]= [units 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Move one or more axis motor a distance relative from its current target position. This command is similar to the MOVE
command except the new target position is calculated based on the current target position instead of being specified directly. Like the MOVE
command, the typical unit of distance is tenths of microns.
The change to the target position is quantized by encoder counts. For example, with 16 TPI and rotary encoders there are 181590.4 encoder counts per millimeter. If you request 1.000 um move, the encoder target will change by 182 encoder counts which is 1.0022 um. By repeating the same relative move 600 times, the total move will be 600*182 = 109200 encoder counts which is 601.3 um, not 600.0 um. However, if you request for 2.000 um moves then the target will move by 363 encoder counts which happens to be closer to 2.000 um: repeated 300 times gives 599.7 um move in total. The reason for this behavior is that the stage and controller don't measure in microns, they can only tell how many encoder counts have gone by.
If the previous move was commanded by serial or TTL, then the post-move target position is based on the pre-move target position – where the previous move would ideally have landed – not on the pre-move actual position. This behavior prevents the possibility of accumulating small positioning errors when making sequential relative moves. Note that events such as manual moves (joystick/wheel), halted moves (by user or via motor error conditions), and automated drift correction moves will change the target position to the actual position.
A positive reply of :A is sent back when the command is received correctly. Reception of the reply does not mean the end of execution, and the command STATUS
can be used to determine if the move has been completed.
Command:MTIME (MT)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut MT Format MT [axis] = [time in milliseconds]… Units Milliseconds
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut MT Format MT [Axis] = [time in milliseconds]… Units Milliseconds Type Axis-Specific
This command returns the settling time of the last move in milliseconds.
Command:MULTIMV (MM)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut MM Format MM [X=radius] [Y= speed] [Z= width] [F=mode_byte] Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Version Required v8.7+ Firmware Module Required MULTIAXIS_FUNCTION
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut MM Format [addr#]MM [X=radius] [Y= speed] [Z= width] [F=mode_byte] [R?] Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Module Required MULTIAXIS_FUNCTION
The MULTIMV command allows several common multi-axis move patterns to be executed. Presently the patterns supported include circles
and spirals
. If users have other special requirements, they should contact ASI for assistance.
The command, without any arguments, initiates the multi-axis pattern move. Commanded and manual (joystick) moves are not allowed while a multi-axis move is occuring.
The patterns are initiated from the current stage position. The movement is parameterized in terms of the speed (feed rate) in mm/sec and pattern parameters. For circles
, the radius in millimeters is the only required parameter. For spirals
the width per spiral turn in millimeters is required as well as the maximum radius.
The mode
is a bit-mapped character that determines the characteristics of the motion. The mode bits are used according to the following table.
Bit | Set | Clear |
0 | Lead-in Move Used | No Lead-in Move |
1 | Controlled acceleration along path, set by ACCEL command, to programmed speed. | No controlled acceleration |
2 | Move pattern repeated indefinitely | Only single cycle of move pattern executed |
3 | Reserved | |
4 | Reserved | |
5 | Reserved | |
6 | Motion pattern selector bits 6 & 7: 00 FAST_CIRCLES 01 Circle 10 Helix (not implemented) 11 Spiral |
7 |
This above settings can be saved into non-volatile memory by issuing the SAVESET
Specifying an argument for the pseudoaxis R
in decimal sets the state directly (see table below; the value is simply the decimal representation of the corresponding state character). Note that the firmware expects only certain states to be set by the user (marked as “OK to set” in the table); setting to a different state may yield unpredictable results. Querying the pseudoaxis R
value returns the decimal associated with the current state (currently expressed as a float; discard anything after the decimal).
Multi-axis move states (MULTIAXIS_FUNCTION firmware) | |||
Char | Dec | OK to set? | State |
I | 73 | No | Idle/disabled |
S | 83 | Yes | Starts state machine |
P | 80 | Yes | Stop (goes to idle state after cleanup) |
L | 76 | No | Lead-in move |
A | 65 | No | Accelerating |
M | 77 | No | Main move |
m | 109 | No | Back move (unused?) |
F | 70 | No | Fast circle move |
R | 82 | Yes | Restart move (fast circles only) |
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut OS Format OS [axis] = [distance]… Units Millimeters Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut OS Format OS [axis] = [distance]… Units Millimeters Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z This command sets (or displays) the amount of distance in millimeters to travel to absorb the backlash in the axis' gearing. Analogous to backlash, but will always overshoot the desired position by the set amount and then come back towards the move's origination, whereas backlash always approaches from the same direction. Backlash move, if any, occurs before the overshoot move. Default is 0, which turns the overshoot routines off. When queried will return the actual value instead of the user-set target value
OS X=.05 Y=0 :A OS x? :X=0.049981 A
The command in this example will make the controller overshoot any X moves by location 50 microns before moving to the final target, while the overshoot algorithm for the Y axis is disabled.
- TGTLC Syntax (Tiger only)
This command will return the current temperature, in degrees Celsius, from any active tunable lenses connected to the Tiger Tunable Lens Card (TGTLC). If a lens is not connected to that axis, or there is a communication error with it, Error 201 will be added to the error buffer, and that axis' temperature reading will be set to the default value of 30.0C.
OS V? W? :A V=22.875000 W=30.000000 OS V? W? :A V=22.875000 W=30.000000 OS V? :A V=22.875000
On a tunable lens card, writing values with OS will do nothing, as Overshoot is not implemented for TGTLC.
Command:PCROS (PC)
- Motorized Axis - Drift Error
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut PC Format PCROS [Axis]= [units mm]… Units millimeter Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut PC Format PCROS [Axis]= [units mm]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets/displays the Finish Error setting, which controls when the motor algorithm routines will turn off. The setting controls the crossover position error (in millimeters) between the target and position at which the controller will stop attempting to move the stage closer to achieve the ideal position=target. This is value also determines the maximum error allowable before a move is considered complete. This value is by default set to the value of the smallest move step size according to the encoder resolution, but many applications do not require such tight landing tolerance.
Command:PEDAL (PD)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut PD Format PEDAL [X=distance in mm] [Y=integer rate constant] [Z=multiplier] [F=use_pedals]
PEDAL X? Y? Z? F?Remembered Using SS Z Hardware/Firmware Required pedal or rocker switch, PEDALS firmware module
- Tiger (motorized) syntax
Shortcut PD Format [addr#]PEDAL [X=distance in mm] [Y=integer rate constant] [Z=multiplier] [F=use_pedals]
[addr#]PEDAL X? Y? Z? F?Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Hardware/Firmware Required pedal or rocker switch, PEDALS firmware module
This command sets/displays the dual-pedal footswitch controls for controllers with this feature (requires appropriate hardware). Besides a foot pedal, the same functionality is used with a dual rocker switch commonly present with FTP systems with a pair of synchronized vertical stages.
The command is set up as follows:
X: Pedal Step Increment size, in millimeters.
Y: Rate when pedal is held down, as an integer proportional to a speed in millimeters per second,
Z: an integer multiplier used when the pedal controls a zoom axis.
F: 0 or 1 depending on whether pedals are enabled or not
On Tiger the F setting defaults to 0 (i.e. set to disabled) and is only present in version 3.45 and later.
On MS2000 the F setting defaults to 1 and is present on firmware 9.52 and later.
Warning: When the pedals are not connected and the F parameter is set to 1, the FTP vertical stages will attempt to move on system power-up. This only applies to Tiger controllers.
Warning: User must ensure that the Rate given in this command is not greater than the maximum speed of the axis being controlled by the pedals. Entering an invalid value may result in unexpected errors and failures (e.g. motor disabling itself).
If there are no errors, a positive reply of :A followed by the startup sequence.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format PZ X=[1 to 255] Y=[20 to 5101] Z=[0 to 3] (pre 9.2f)
PZ X=[1 to 255] Y=[1 to 255] Z=[0 to 3,+,-] F=[0 to 65000] (9.2f and above)Units Integer codes Remembered X and Y automatically, Z and F using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Format [#Addr]PZ X=[1 to 255] Y=[25 to 5101] Z=[0 to 3] F=[0 to 100] T=[0 to 500] (pre v2.83)
[#Addr]PZ X=[1 to 255] Y=[1 to 255] Z=[0 to 3,+,-] (v3.11 and above: F=[0 to 65000] R=[0 to 100] T=[0 to 500])
(v2.83-3.10: F=[0 to 100] T=[0 to 500])Units Integer codes Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
The X argument sets the zero adjust potentiometer of the ADEPT
card. Only values between 1 and 255 are accepted. The setting is stored in non-volatile memory on the ADEPT
board. This is one of the settings that are automatically picked during both long and short auto calibration. Please refer the calibration section for its usage. On Tiger controller PSG command is equivalent. One does not have an advantage over another; usage is left to user preference.
The Y argument sets the gain of the feedback stage. The setting is stored in non-volatile memory on the ADEPT
board. This is one of the settings that is automatically picked during long auto calibration. Please refer the calibration section for its usage. On Tiger PG command is equivalent. One does not have an advantage over another; usage is left to user preference.
Pre MS2000 v9.2f & Tigerv2.83: a formula was used to convert 25-5101
to 8-bit 255
. Due to rounding issues and such, we removed the formula so now user can enter the setting directly and have more control.
The Z argument sets the board in various modes. On Tiger controller PM command is equivalent in firmware v2.8+. One does not have an advantage over another; usage is left to user preference.
PZ Z = | Mode of Operation |
0 | Controller controlled, Closed loop (default) |
1 | External input, Closed Loop |
2 | Controller controlled, Open loop (rare) |
3 | External input, Open loop (rare) |
PZ Z+ | Fast Mode |
PZ Z- | Slow Mode |
The F argument (requires Tiger v3.11+ and MS2000 v9.2f) sets the value of the timer for Auto Sleep feature. Units of are in minutes. To maximize piezo actuators’ lifetime they should to be turned off when not in use. Every time the piezo is moved (e.g. commanded move, TTL-triggered move, or with a manual input device like the wheel) the auto sleep timer is reset to 0. When the timer reaches the value set by the F argument the sleep state is entered. In the sleep state piezos are moved to the sleep position and the code returned by the RS+ command (equivalent to the right status character on MS-2000 LCD screens) changes to E. However, the position returned by the WHERE command is not changed during sleep. Further, any move will proceed from the pre-sleep position. To disable the auto sleep feature, set the F argument to 0. On most firmware builds the default value is 0, i.e. disabled. However on SPIM builds the default value is 5 minutes. To exit sleep without affecting anything else, send the R <axis> command to execute a relative move of distance 0. Setting the F argument clears the timer but does not exit the sleep state.
- Additional Tiger-only Functions
The R argument only applies when the piezo maintain code is set to 1. (In firmware between v2.83 and v3.10 it was the F argument instead.) It sets the maximum time to move towards the overshoot position, expressed in milliseconds. Refer to the documentation under MA.
The T argument only applies when the piezo maintain code is set to 1. It sets the overshoot amount, expressed as a percentage. For example, when set to 100 the piezo will begin the move as if the target position is twice as far away as it really is. Refer to the documentation under MA.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format PZC X=[0 or 1] Y=[0,1,2,3] Z=[1 to 100] F=[1 to 100] ,or
PZCUnits integer codes Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Format [addr#]PZC X=[0 or 1] Y=[0,1,2,3] Z=[1 to 100] F=[1 to 100] ,or
[addr#]PZCUnits integer codes Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
PZC when entered alone runs the auto calibration routine that sets various internal parameters for optimal operation of the piezo top-plate. :A is returned on completion, :N-5 is returned if the routine failed.
X argument sets the auto calibration type to perform. 0 is for short calibration (default) i.e. only strain gauges offset is adjusted. While 1 is long calibration routine, with adjusts both strain gauge offset and the feedback gain. You will need a length gauge to run the full calibration routine. Ss z command is not applicable, settings will revert back to default when controller restarts. Note: Long calibration is not implemented for ADEPT card with TG-1000. Usage will end in an error.
Y argument sets the axis index to which the length gauge is assigned. Default is 0 i.e. X index in a 4 axis build. Ss z command not applicable, settings will revert back to default on controller restart.
Z argument sets the delay between routine runs, default is 35 i.e. 35ms. Units are in milliseconds. Ss z command not applicable, settings will revert back to default on controller restart.
F argument sets the position where controller moves the piezo top-plate before adjusting the strain gauge offset. Accepts values between 1 to 100, units are %, default is 50 i.e. middle of the piezo range. Ss z command is applicable, settings will be saved between controller restarts.
Please use HALT command to stop a running calibration routine; else the routine will leave incorrect settings on the ADEPT card.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
- Tiger syntax
Format [addr#]PZINFO Type Card-Addressed
is a diagnostic command. ASI reserves the right to change the format of the PZINFO
command at any point as more diagnostic features are found to be useful.
- MicroMirror Example on Tiger
3PZINFO Hdwr REV.E V0 :24.3 V HV :143.5 V V1 :63.7 V V2 :63.2 V V3 :63.2 V V4 :64.9 V V5 :64.3 V V6 :65.4 V I2C Check> DAC[OK] OSC1[OK] OSC2[OK] EEPROM[OK] Mode> A[IN] B[IN] C[IN] D[IN]
- Piezo Example on Tiger
1PZINFO Voltages @ Pos1> HV : 147 V Sout : 4 V Pzout: 65 V I2C Check> DAC[OK] SWITCH[OK] DigPot[OK] ADEPT Rev 0 DigPot> Sgoffset: 110 Gain: 96 Closed Loop TG1000 IN HV ENABLE FAST MODE SG Offset [OK]
- Piezo Example on MS2000
PZINFO Voltages @ Pos1> HV : 147 V Sout : 4 V Pzout: 65 V I2C Check> DAC[OK] SWITCH[OK] DigPot[OK] ADEPT Rev 0 DigPot> Sgoffset: 110 Gain: 96 Closed Loop TG1000 IN HV ENABLE FAST MODE SG Offset [OK]
- PMT example on TGPMT
if TGPMT card address is 7.
7pzinfo Hdwr REV.0 V0 :24.0 V V1 :15.0 V Avg: 2 I2C FRAM: OK PMT0> Gain: 0 , ADC: 13 , BG: 0 , Status: ENABLED PMT1> Gain: 0 , ADC: 13 , BG: 0 , Status: ENABLED <LF>
Command:RBMODE (RM)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut RM Format RBMODE [X=control] [Y=axis_byte] [Z=buffer_pointer] [F=mode_byte] Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Module Required RING BUFFER (and ARRAY MODULE from some RM F functions)
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut RM Format [addr#]RBMODE [X=control] [Y=axis_byte] [Z=buffer_pointer] [F=mode_byte] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Module Required RING BUFFER (and ARRAY MODULE from some RM F functions)
Provides control of movement and save operations involving the controller’s internal 50-position ring-buffer (optionally to 250 positions, contact ASI). The LOAD command or the joystick button are used to fill the ring buffer.
For ring-buffer moves, check the axis_byte parameter if you are having trouble moving an axis.
MS2000 firmware builds set the axis_byte to 3 as a default, so only the X and Y axes are enabled.
TG1000 firmware builds set the axis_byte to all axes present on the controller as the default.
The command, without any arguments, sets the TTL input interrupt flag and performs the same operation that a TTL IN0 input pulse would control as determined by the current IN0_mode
. See TTL command.
A move to the Next Position may be initiated by:
- a TTL pulse when the appropriate IN0_mode is selected (See TTL command,
Firmware Module Required). - a short press and release of the
button (as long as other special functions are not utilizing the@
button). - by the
command without arguments.
Command:RDADC (RA)
- MS2000 Syntax and Function
Shortcut RA Format RA [X] [Y] [Z] [F] Returns the present values on the MS-2000's 4-channel
. The X and Y channels are used for the joystick. The Z and F channels may be used for special applications, for example Autofocus orADC_LOCK
modes of controlling the stage. Special firmware is required for these applications.If the system has Video Autofocus, the user can query the focus score with the Z parameter, for example
.If the system has a temperature sensor, the user can query the temperature in 1/100 degrees Celsius with the T parameter ie
If there are two temperature sensors present, one connected to channel-1 and the other connected to channel-2 of anADEPT
Hub (I2C breakout board), then the M parameter also becomes active, for exampleRDADC T? M?
would answer with:A 2565 2389
meaning sensor-1 has read 25.65C and sensor-2 has read 23.89C.Example
RA X Y :A 128 128
Shows typical ADC values for a centered joystick.
- Tiger and TGPMT Syntax and Function
Shortcut RA Format [addr#]RA [X?] [Y?] Units integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Not Applicable On a
card in a Tiger Controller, this is a Read Only command. It reportsPMT
signal read through anADC
onboard theTGPMT
card.X? Returns the
reading ofPMT0
Y? Returns the
reading ofPMT1
ADC Specification can be found here.
If the
card address was 7,7RDADC X? Y? :A 2 1
“2” is the
reading fromPMT0
, and “1” is theADC
reading fromPMT1
7RA X? Y? :A 2 1
Command:RDSBYTE (RB)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut RB Format RDSBYTE [axis] = [status_byte]…
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut RB Format RDSBYTE [axis] = [status_byte]… Type Axis-Specific
Requests the TG-1000 and MS-2000 to respond with the Status Byte
Command:RDSTAT (RS)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut RS Format RDSTAT axis [axis] [axis]…
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut RS Format RDSTAT axis [axis] [axis]… Type Axis-Specific
Without any additional characters this is the same as RDSBYTE, except the data is returned in ASCII decimal format.
Beginning with Tiger v2.8+ and MS2000 v9.2e a qualifier can be added to the axis name to change the information reported.
With ?
, a busy or not busy character is returned for that axis (N
or B
, just as in STATUS
With -
, the left status character displayed on MS-2000 LCD of the axis is returned, including U
or L
for upper and lower limits, f
or s
for fast or slow joystick mode just selected, D
for motor disabled, or a space for no event to report.
With +
, the right status character displayed on MS-2000 LCD is returned (with some additions), including M
for move, B
for commanded move (e.g. HOME), K
for servo lock, S
for spin move, A
for single axis move, T
for multi-axis move, P
for pause, E
for piezo sleep, or a space for no event to report.
Command:RELOCK (RL)
Shortcut | RL |
Format | RL |
Firmware Module Required | CRISP or AF-DUAL |
Turns on the CRISP laser and initiates a LOCK
state using previously saved reference values. Same as LOCK
for AF-DUAL systems.
Command:RESET (~)
Shortcut | ~ |
Format | RESET |
This command causes the controller to do a software reset. A software reset re-initializes all variables back to their pre-assigned values and initializes all positions to 0. Saved settings and system flags are preserved across resets, but not saved positions. Therefore commands like HM require a power cycle instead of a reset. To re-initialize settings to default, use SS X
before the reset (see documentation for the SS command; note that on Tiger SS
is a card-addressed command).
Command:RTIME (RT)
- General Usage
- On Tiger
Shortcut RT Format [Addr#]RT [X=report_time] [Y=pulse_length in ms] [Z=delay_time in ms] [F=num_aves] [T=finish_error_time in ms] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- On MS2000 and RM2000
Shortcut RT Format RT [X=report_time] [Y=pulse_length in ms] [Z=delay_time] [F=num_aves] Remembered Using SS Z
The X argument sets the time interval between report events when using IN0_mode = 5, TTL triggered serial interface asynchronous reporting. The report_time value has an acceptable range from 20 to 32700 milliseconds. The default value is 200ms.
The Y argument sets the length of the TTL output pulse in ms when using any OUT0_mode that triggers a TTL pulse. (The Y arguments command has a slightly different usage on a TGLED card. Refer to TGLED card user guide for more details.) Note that this delay is prematurely ended (and TTL state set LOW) if any move is initiated. For automatic array scanning with TTL outputs, also use the Z argument below, to make sure the array does not move on before the TTL timer is finished.
The Z argument sets the post-move delay time in ms for array moves (using the ARRAY MODULE), and/or the delay between ring buffer moves when
is set to autoplay (mode 2, 3 or 4). Note that for ring buffer moves the delay time specifies the interval between attempted moves, whereas for arrays the delay specifies the time between arriving at the desired position and initiating movement to the next position. For ring buffer if the delay time is set to be 0 then the actual time between moves will be the axis loop time (generally 0.25ms times the number of axes, e.g. 1ms for a four axis card). For array moves, ifTTL y=2 or 11
then this Z argument is normally set to be at least as long as as RT Y to achieve full-length TTL pulses. Note that this Z argument is distinct from the time set using theWAIT
setting which introduces a user-set delay after landing at a position before the move is considered complete (affects both busy status and any TTL output pulse). Important note for use with TTL Y=11 mode: the timer that implements theRT Z
setting starts counting when the XY stage lands, regardless of CRISP status.The F argument sets num_aves, the power-of-two exponent for the number of samples to be averaged. Used with the
system.The T argument sets finish_error_time, which is the total amount of time that a motorized stage has to spend within the finish error of the target position at the end of a commanded move (
setting) before the busy flag is cleared and the move is considered complete. Added to Tiger firmware as of v3.34 (Oct 2020). Defaults to 3ms (previous to v3.34 firmware the setting didn't exist but its effective value was 0.5ms).
- On Tiger with Micro-mirror for SPIM
Shortcut RT Format RT [Z=delay_time] [F=scan_duration] [R=laser_duration] [T=camera_duration] Units Milliseconds Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required MM_SPIM Sets up timings used in the high-level operation of SPIM state machine coordinated by Micro-mirror card. They are specified in ms with 0.25ms resolution. These commands augment, not replace, the other RTIME parameters applicable to all TG-1000 cards. For SPIM state machine triggered by TTL after arming, these values are usually “locked in” during the arming step (i.e. upon
SN X=97
).delay_time is the delay between ring buffer moves just as normal, however it serves an added function: it is also the delay between the receipt of the trigger and the start of the SPIM state machine operation, allowing a systematic delay to be added. Note that resolution is 1 ms for this setting.
scan_duration: sets the duration of each beam scan during SPIM operation. Total beam scan time will be multiplied by the number of scans (NR X). Introduced in v3.14; in v3.13 and earlier the value for SAF <axis> was used instead. Cannot be less than 1 ms.
laser_duration: sets the duration that the laser control output stays high. Cannot be less than 0.25 ms.
camera_duration: sets the duration that the camera trigger output stays high. Cannot be less than 0.25 ms.
All units in milliseconds and are currently rounded to the nearest 0.25ms
- On Tiger with MicroMirror and Phototargeting
Shortcut RT Format [Addr#]RTIME [Y=laser_duration] [Z=delay_time] Units Milliseconds Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z The Y parameter
sets the time that the laser is turned on in milliseconds, essentially the same as TTL pulse length as described in the main TG-1000 programming manual. The setting applies to both moves initiated by AIJ as well as to ring buffer moves. Normal moves using MOVE or MOVREL commands will not turn on the laser. Its value should be between 1 and 65000.The Z parameter
is the delay between ring buffer moves just as normal. However ifdelay_time
is less than (laser_duration + settle_delay
) then the ring buffer behavior is unspecified. Its value should be between 1 and 16000.
- On Tiger with TGLED
Shortcut RT Format [Addr#]RT Y=[LED ON time on TTL trigger in ms] Units Time in millisec between 1 to 65000 Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z The RT command's Y argument is “recycled” for a different purpose for the TGLED cards. Here it is used to set the duration the LEDs stay on after a TTL trigger.
Other Behavior and function of RT command have been left unchanged. Refer to the TG-1000 programming manual for more info.
- On Tiger with TGPMT
Shortcut RT Format [Addr#]RT Y=[PMT overload reset pulse duration] Units Time in millisec between 1 to 65000 Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z The RT command's Y argument is “recycled” for a different purpose for the TGPMT cards. Here it is used to set the duration the Reset pulse to clear the PMT from Overload state. Overload reset pulse is generated when LOCK command is issued.
Assuming TGPMT card address is 7
7rt y=100 :A
7rt y? :A Y=100.000000
- On Phototrack systems
Shortcut RT Format RT [X=report_time] Remembered Using SS Z Sets the time interval between report events when using TTL X=5 TTL triggered serial interface asynchronous reporting. The report_time value has an acceptable range from 20 to 32700 milliseconds. The default value is 200ms.
To turn ON/OFF serial position logging first set the ttl_function to serial logging using TTL X=5. Then either
command without any arguments, or a TTL pulse on the INPUT BNC will toggle the serial reporting function ON or OFF. To change the reporting time interval use RT X=report_time. Save any changes you wish to keep using SS Z.
- With SERVOLOCK_TTL Function
Shortcut RT Format RT [R= duration threshould] Remembered Using SS Z Sets the trigger duration threshould for the SERVOLOCK_TTL functionality (pulses longer that the threshold are considered “long” = negative move and shorter are considered “short” = positive move. Restricted to units of 0.25 milliseconds. Defaults to 0.75 ms.
Command:RUNAWAY (RU)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut RU Format RU [axis] = [distance]… (9.2m and later, earlier RU X=n) Units millimeter Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut RU Format RU [axis] = [distance]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the servo loop error limit before the motors will be disabled. The value n
, is the distance in millimeters that the internal servo target and the actual position can differ before the motor is disabled. Default is 1 to 2 mm. If spurious disable conditions are encountered, increase this number. For more sensitive crash protection, decrease this number. Prior to MS-2000 version 9.2f and TG-1000 version 3.20 a single value applied to all axes (Tiger card-addressed) but afterwards it is axis-specific. Prior to MS-2000 version 9.2m and TG-1000 version 3.20 only integer values were allowed, but afterwards floating point numbers are allowed and reported.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SAA Format SAA [axis]=### … Units Axis units Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SAA Format SAA [axis]=### … Units Axis units Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the peak-to-peak amplitude of the pattern. Negative numbers will reverse the direction of the ramp pattern and make the first triangle sweep negative instead of positive.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SAF Format SAF [axis]=### … Units milliseconds or clock edges Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SAF Format SAF [axis]=### … Units milliseconds or clock edges Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the period of the pattern, in units of milliseconds in case of internal clock (default, see SAP
) or in number of clock edges for external clock. Note that the triangle pattern and square wave pattern will automatically force themselves to have a period of an even number of milliseconds, even if the user specifies a period of an odd number of milliseconds. When period is set to be 1msec, the resulting behavior is undefined.
Note: On MicroMirror the actual waveform output is modified by the filter (tunable with BACKLASH
), especially when the period is set to be less than 10msec.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SAM Format SAM [axis]=### … Units Integer code, 0-3 (see below) Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SAM Format SAM [axis]=### … Units Integer code, 0-4 (see below) Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Sets the single-axis mode according to the integer code.
Code | Meaning |
0 | Puts single-axis mode in idle state (i.e. stops it if running) |
1 | Puts the single-axis mode in active state (i.e. starts generating the pattern) |
2 | Arms the trigger; the routine only cycles once, then waits again for another TTL trigger. Version 3.31+ |
3 | Makes the single-axis mode active and restarts the pattern of any other axis on the same card so they will be synchronized |
4 | Arms the trigger; the routine is free running after the TTL trigger. Version 3.41+ |
On Tiger version 3.29 and lower, mode 2 has the same behavior as mode 4.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SAO Format SAO [axis]=### … Units Axis units Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SAO Format SAO [axis]=### … Units Axis units Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the position of the center position of the single-axis pattern. For example, if the offset is 1000 and the peak-to-peak amplitude is set to 1000, the pattern will go between positions 500 and 1500.
Note that manual moves (e.g. with joystick or wheels) while a single-axis pattern is being generated automatically adjust the single-axis offset value, such that this command may not be needed.
As of Tiger firmware v2.82, using the “+” operator instead of specifying a position will store the current position to the offset for the specified axis. For example, SAO A+
set the position of axis A to the center position of the single-axis pattern
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SAP Format SAP [axis]=### … Units Integer code, 0-255 (see below) Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SAP Format SAP [axis]=### … Units Integer code, 0-255 (see below) Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
This command sets the type of pattern to generate and configures the clocks. The parameter is a bit-mapped number that determines the characteristics of the motion, with the lowest bits determining the type of pattern. The code is interpreted according to the following table:
Bit | Clear | Set |
7 | Internal Clock | External clock on TTL input |
6 | Polarity of Clk: positive edge | Polarity of Clk: negative edge |
5 | No TTL out | TTL out |
4 | Polarity of TTL out: active high | Polarity of TTL out: active low |
3 | reserved | Reserved |
2-0 | 000 Ramp/sawtooth (code 0) 001 Triangle (code 1) (period always even number of msec) 010 Square wave (code 2) (period always even number of msec) 011 Sine wave (code 3) |
Command:SAVEPOS (SP)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SP Format SP [X=inhibit] Units 0 or 1 only Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SP Format [addr#]SP [X=inhibit] Units 0 or 1 only Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
The axis positions and soft limit locations are usually automatically saved when power is turned off. If this action is not desired, setting inhibit=1 will prevent power down saves. (Default is inhibit = 0
) If the command is given without argument, a save position shutdown will be initiated whereby the axes will be halted, positions saved to flash memory, and the controller placed in a non-responsive condition until power is cycled.
Command:SAVESET (SS)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SS Format SAVESET [X][Y][Z]
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SS Format [addr#]SAVESET [X][Y][Z] Type Card-Addressed
allows the user to save current parameters settings to Flash memory.
, saves settings to flash memory
, restores previously saved settings after a SAVESET X
, will reload factory defaults upon next power-up
Command:SCAN (SN)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax and Function
Shortcut SN Format SCAN [X=scan_axis for X] [Y=scan_axis for Y] [Z=scan_axis for Z] [F=pattern] Units Integer Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required SCAN or ARRAY Sets which axes are to be used for 2D raster scan. The same axis settings also apply to the
module. The fast-scanned raster axis (horizontal) is defined byscan_axis = 1
; the slow-scanned axis (vertical) is defined byscan_axis = 2
. Single axis scans (1D) requires setting the unused axesscan_axis = 0
, and the driven axis asscan_axis = 1
. Note this is different from the Tiger usage of pseudoaxes X/Y/Z.The scan pattern may be set to 0 for
scans or 1 forSERPENTINE
scans. This setting defaults toRASTER
for firmwares with theSCAN MODULE
included andSERPENTINE
for firmwares with theARRAY MODULE
included. When the number of lines (SCANV Z
) is set to the default of 1 then the behavior is the same for both raster and serpentine.Without arguments, the command
initiates (or stops) a scan using parameters set with theSCANR
commands.If you try to set the axis index and that index is already assigned to another axis, then the value will not change. For example, if you use
and the Y axis is already set to index 2, nothing will happen. The solution is to setSCAN Y=0
and then you will be able to change the X axis index.To use multiple axes in the
command, you will need to set all of the axes to 0 first.SCAN X? Y? Z? :A X=Horz Y=Vert Z=None SCAN X=0 Y=0 Z=0 :A SCAN X=2 Y=1 Z=0 :A SCAN X? Y? Z? :A X=Vert Y=Horz Z=None
- Tiger (motorized) syntax
Shortcut SN Format [addr#]SCAN [X?] [Y=fast_axis_id] [Z=slow_axis_id] [F=pattern] Units Integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Required SCAN or ARRAY Note multiple small changes in usage from MS-2000 command set.
Specifying an argument for the pseudoaxis X in decimal sets the state directly (see table below; the value is simply the decimal representation of the corresponding state character). Note that the firmware expects only certain states to be set by the user (marked as “OK to set” in the table); setting to a different state may yield unpredictable results. Querying the pseudoaxis X value returns the character associated with the current state.
Specify the cards axis ID as the
(axis IDs are obtainable usingZ2B
query; they are 0 and 1 for X and Y axes respectively on a two-axis motor card). Ifslow_axis_id
is set to 9 then a true single-axis scan will be executed (not even anti-backlash moves on the slow axis); ifslow_axis_id
is specified but the slow axis start and stop positions (NV X
andNV Y
) are equal then a single-axis scan will execute but the slow axis position will be checked at the scan turnaround points. Note this is different from the MS-2000 usage of pseudoaxes X/Y/Z.The scan pattern may be set to 0 for
scans or 1 forSERPENTINE
scans.Without arguments, the command
initiates (or stops) a scan using parameters set with theSCANR
commands.Scan states (SCAN_MODULE firmware) Char Dec OK to set? State I No Idle/disabled S 83 Yes Starts state machine P 80 Yes Stop (goes to idle state after cleanup) a No Waits until slow axis move complete b No Starts move along fast axis c No Waits for fast axis move to finish d No Starts serpentine slow axis move e No Waits until serepentine move complete f No Used in XF_SPIM only g No Waits until retrace is complete h No Scan complete, cleans up
- Tiger (micro-mirror) syntax
Shortcut SN Format [addr#]SCAN [X=state] Units Integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Required MM_SPIM Without arguments, starts or arms the SPIM state machine or terminates it if running or armed (starts state machine execution for Micro-mirror, puts in arm state for piezo). By so doing, any active single-axis functions will be stopped and the SPIM positions/steps will be calculated according to the active parameters (e.g. SAA, SAO, NR, NV, RT). Specifying an argument for the pseudo-axis X in decimal sets the state directly (see table below; the value is simply the decimal representation of the corresponding state character). Note that the firmware expects only certain states to be set by the user (marked as “OK to set” in the table); setting to a different state may yield unpredictable results. Querying the pseudo-axis X value returns the character associated with the current state.
Micro-mirror SPIM states (MM_SPIM firmware) Char Dec OK to set? State I No Idle/disabled S 83 Yes Starts main acquisition state machine a 97 Yes Arm for trigger (goes to state 'A') A No Armed and waiting T 84 Yes Trigger from state 'A' (v3.37+) P 80 Yes Stop (goes to state 'I') M No In middle of sheet (executing per-sheet scan/camera/laser state machines) s No Starting sheet c No Incrementing sheet R No Starting side y No Delay between sides Y No Delay between repeats Note: Other undocumented states may be used during SPIM state machine execution.
Command:SCANR (NR)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut NR Format SCANR [X=start] [Y=stop] [Z=enc_divide] [F= #_pixels] Units X and Y in mm, Z and F as integer Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required SCAN
- Tiger (motorized) syntax
Shortcut NR Format [addr#]SCANR [X=start] [Y=stop] [Z=enc_divide] [F= #_pixels] [R=retrace_speed] Units X and Y in mm, Z and F as integer, R as percentage (0-100) Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Required SCAN
Sets up raster scan start and stop positions, with the position values expressed in millimeters. During scanning, the stage will move past both of these positions slightly, so that when scanning within the range specified, the scan proceeds with uniform speed (set by the SPEED
command). On units equipped with hardware position Sync, the output pulse goes high as the stage crosses the start position.
On systems with the ENC_INT
firmware module, an output pulse will occur every enc_divide
number of encoder counts.
If the user specifies the #_pixels
, the stop position will be calculated based upon the enc_divide and start position. Applicable to ENC_INT
On TG-1000 v3.30 and later use retrace_speed
to specify the speed of the retrace move as a percentage of the max speed (decimal value between 0 and 100). The default value of 67 was the hardcoded value previously. This feature can be added to MS-2000 on customer request.
- Tiger micro-mirror syntax
Shortcut NR Format [addr#]SCANR [X=scans_per_slice] [Y=slices_per_volume] [Z=SPIM_mode] [F=volume_repeats] [R=slice_repeats] Units Integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Required MM_SPIM Sets up the high-level operation of the SPIM state machine coordinated by the Micro-mirror card
scans_per_slice (X): sets the number of one-way beam scans in each slice (recall the slice corresponds to one image). Minimum value is 1.
slices_per_volume (Y): sets the number of slices (or images) in each volume. No facility exists to make it different for the two sides, though in principle it is possible. Minimum value is 1.
SPIM_mode (Z): sets a byte (by assigning a decimal) with the functions below. The default value is 2 (usual diSPIM, no special functionality).
- 2 LSBs correspond to single-sided vs. double-sided and the specified start side according to the following
- 3 for diSPIM starting on opposite side
- 2 for usual diSPIM (default)
- 1 for usual iSPIM
- 0 for iSPIM on opposite side
- Bits 2-3 were laser output mode in v2.85-v2.87; for v2.88+ this functionality is instead controlled by LED Z laser mode, bits 0-2.
- Bit 2 is set to disable micro-mirror moving to home position when other side is active during the SPIM state machine (i.e. rely completely on laser-based blanking while reducing micro-mirror movements). Default is unset (home move enabled). (v2.89+)
- Bit 3 is set to disable piezo moving to illumination position (home). Default is unset (piezo home enabled). (v2.89+)
- Bit 4 is set to alternate sides after each piezo/slice position (for interleaved stage scan). Note that piezo trigger signals will continue, but this is OK for the stage scan situation when the piezos’ SAA value is 0 and either the piezo’s SAO position is the same as the offset or else bit 3 is set. Default is unset (not alternating sides). (v3.09+).
- Bit 5 is set to alternate the beam scan direction between sweeps (either between slices or within same slice if the number of line scans per slice is more than 1). Default is unset (not alternating direction). Before v3.14 this was set using the LSB of the SAP setting. (v3.14+).
- Planned but not yet implemented: Bit 6 is set to add one extra camera trigger at the end of each side. Use this to accommodate “synchronous” or “overlap” camera mode without requiring an entire additional slice. Default is unset (no extra camera trigger). Proper operation requires the side delay (NV Y) be longer than the sum of the camera delay (NV T) and the camera duration (RT T). Because this occurs during the side switch time the total acquisition time is only increased by the time required for the final camera trigger.
- Bit 7 is set to have the slice axis move in a continuous linear fashion instead of in stairstep (i.e. when set it moves continuously during each slice) (v3.5+)
volume_repeats (F): sets the number of volumes to be collected per trigger event (two sides count as a single volume). Minimum value is 1.
slice_repeats (R): sets the number of slices to be collected at each piezo position. Minimum value is 1.
Command:SCANV (NV)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut NV Format SCANV [X=start] [Y=stop] [Z=number_of_lines] [F=overshoot_factor] Units X and Y in mm, Z in integer, F in positive real Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required SCAN MODULE
- Tiger motorized stage syntax
Shortcut NV Format [addr#]SCANV [X=start] [Y=stop] [Z=number_of_lines] [F=overshoot_time] [T=scan_overshoot] Units X and Y in mm, Z in integer, F in ms Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Required SCAN MODULE
, Y
, and Z
parameters set up the slow-scan (vertical) start and stop positions, with the position values expressed in millimeters, and the number of lines. The stage will move to the start position before beginning the scan. The scan range will be divided into number_of_lines lines. Following a completed horizontal scan, the stage will move vertically to the next scan line. The processes will conclude when the stage has moved to the vertical stop position and completed the last horizontal scan. If the start and stop values are identical then a 1-D scan will occur, repeated number_of_lines times.
The F
and T
parameters pertain to the fast-scan (horizontal scan) motion, and there is a difference between the behavior of the F
parameter on TG-1000 vs. MS-2000.
On MS-2000, overshoot_factor (F
) sets the amount of extra motion to account for the acceleration ramp at the start and stop of the trace. An overshoot_factor=1.0 (default) sets the pre and post move distances equal to the ramp up and down distances. Using a larger number will allow for more time to reach constant speed before the active sweep region.
On TG-1000, overshoot_time (F
) sets an additional settling time in ms for the stage velocity to settle before reaching the start position (beyond the always-required ramp time set by the AC
command). Thus the time required between scan line initiation and reaching the start position is given by summing the AC
time and the NV F
time. The same delay occurs after the stop position except for raster scans in firmware v3.20 and higher in which case the after-stop overshoot time is capped at 10ms. The default value is 50ms.
The T
parameter was partially implemented for TG-1000 firmware versions 3.17 and 3.18, absent in 3.19, and then present in 3.20 and greater. It is intended mostly for scan-optimized stages that have a significant amount of physical backlash. The default value is 0.02 when the SCAN_OPTIMIZED define is enabled and 0 otherwise. If the value is non-zero there are several changes to the scan operation: (1) There is an extra overshoot move performed (with amplitude specified by the parameter) before any scan move in either direction, which ensures that the physical backlash is removed correctly before beginning each scan pass. (2) Before the scan moves begin, an initialization move to the center of the range is made to ensure that the overshoot move happens correctly. (3) When the scan moves are complete, the stage moves to the center position (otherwise behavior is to move to the start position).
- Tiger micro-mirror SPIM syntax
Shortcut NV Format [addr#]SCANV [X=scan_delay] [Y=side_delay] [Z=repeat_delay] [F=scan_settle_time] [R=laser_delay] [T=camera_delay] Units X, Y, Z, F, R and T are in milliseconds Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Firmware Required MM_SPIM Sets up various delays used in the high-level operation of SPIM state machine coordinated by Micro-mirror card. The delays are specified in ms with 0.25ms resolution. The lower limit is 0.0ms and the upper limit is a bit more than 16 seconds for all except repeat_delay which can be over a day.
scan_delay (X): sets the delay between the start of the slice and when the beam scan begins.
side_delay (Y): sets the delay between the start of a side and when slices start. Defaults to 50 ms in v3.14+ (in v3.13- default was 0). In v3.14+ cannot be less than 2.0 ms. It is highly recommended to use a value of at least 10 ms; the signal for the piezo to move to illumination position takes 2.5 ms to send and the piezo has a mechanical response time (typ. 10 ms for 90% settling). In most cases even more time should be allowed for any vibrations resulting from the piezo move to settle, e.g. a typical value of side_delay is 50 ms or 100 ms.
repeat_delay (Z): sets the delay after one volume (either one or two sides) before the next one begins. In v3.14+ cannot be less than 1 ms.
scan_settle_time (F): (v3.14+) sets the amount of time before the scan start that the scanned axis will reach its initial position; before that it will ramp smoothly from the previous position to the initial position. Defaults to 1 ms. If the value of scan_settle_time is equal to or greater than the value of scan_delay there will be an abrupt transition at the corresponding point. Such an abrupt transition can lead to undesired scanner ringing and happened in all cases prior to firmware v3.14.
laser_delay (R): sets the delay between the start of the slice and when the laser control output goes high.
camera_delay (T): sets the delay between the start of the slice and when the camera trigger output goes high.
This command is used to lock and unlock the Micro Servo (U_SERVO_LK
) and the Solenoid based (SOL_LK
) lock inserts. SECURE command has a bit more functionality in case of Solenoid Lock insert.
- For Micro Servo Lock Insert
Shortcut SECURE Format SECURE [X=p] Remembered Using SS Z Hardware/Firmware Module Required Micro Servo Lock Insert and U_SERVO_LK
With stages equipped with Micro Servo lock mechanism, this command is used to lock or unlock samples on the stage. The value of p determines the position of the lever arm and can be any decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 1.0 fully retracts the lever. The best value for a particular well plate model may vary and can be determined experimentally.
fully opens lever
SECURE X=0.25 :A
Closes lever for typical well plate
Error at axis required
invalid axis
invalid operation
- For Solenoid Lock insert
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax and Function
Shortcut SECURE Format SECURE [X=0 or 1] [Y=0 to 99] [Z=0 to 99] [F=0 to 255] [T=0 to 65000] Remembered Using SS Z Hardware/Firmware Module Required Solenoid Lock Insert and SOL_LK
- Tiger syntax and Function
Shortcut [addr#]SECURE Format [addr#]SECURE [X=0 or 1] [Y=0 to 99] [Z=0 to 99] [F=0 to 255] [T=0 to 65000] Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z Hardware/Firmware Module Required Solenoid Lock Insert and SOL_LK
With inserts equipped with Solenoid lock mechanism, this command is used to lock or unlock samples on the stage.
X argument accepts either “0” or “1”. “0” is the locking command , and “1” is the unlocking command. The Solenoid use no power when in “0” or lock position , so this is the default and the controller's initial state.
Y arguments is a percentage of power briefly applied to the solenoid to pull the lever back and unlock the wellplate. Set by factory, we recommend that this setting not be adjusted unless suggested by ASI support.
Z arguments is a percentage of power applied to the solenoid to keep it unlock. After unlocking, the solenoid needs very little power to keep the lever pulled back and keep the well plate unlocked. Set by factory, we recommend that this setting not be adjusted unless suggested by ASI support.
F argument sets the auto lock time, units are in minutes. When in unlock position , the solenoid is consuming power, over time solenoid will heat up and may damage it. There is a auto locking timer , Y sets the maximum time the solenoid stays unlocked , after which the controller auto locks. Default is 5 min . This feature can be disabled by setting Y as “0”, this is not recommended.
T argument, units are in milliseconds. This arguments sets the amount of time higher power (Y arguments) needs to be applied to unlock the wellplate. After that lower power (Z arguments) is applied to keep the wellplate unlocked. Set by factory, we recommend that this setting not be adjusted unless suggested by ASI support.
Note 1: Solenoid only consumes and dissipates power when in unlock state. Over time the heat generated by this power dissipation may damage the solenoid. So only unlock when needed.
Note 2: TTL Out mode must be set to 9 ie TTl Y=9 . This give control of the TTL out connector to Secure command .
MS2000 Example:
fully opens lever, unlock state
Closes lever, lock state
Error at axis required
lever unlocks, and will auto lock after 2 mins
indicates lever is in unlock state.
Command:SETHOME (HM)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut HM Format HM [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Remembered Automatically Required MS2000 Firmware Version 8.0+
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut HM Format HM [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Automatically
This command sets/displays a fixed hardware HOME location for an axis in units of millimeters. The HOME
position is considered a fixed hardware location and is adjusted properly when the controller’s coordinate system is altered with the HERE
function. The HOME position is automatically remembered and recalled through a power cycle and does not need to be saved using the SAVESET command. The home position defaults to a large positive number far exceeding the mechanical limits of the system, or else with the upper limit for DAC devices including piezos, micro-mirror, and tunable lenses.
HM [axis]+
will set the home position to be the current position. Restore the default home position by executing HM [axis]-
Command:SETLOW (SL)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SL Format SETLOW [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Remembered Automatically
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SL Format SETLOW [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Automatically
This command sets/displays the lower firmware limit for an axis. The limit is considered a fixed hardware locations and are adjusted properly when the controller’s coordinate system is altered with the HERE
commands. The limit positions are automatically remembered and recalled through a power cycle and do not need to be saved using the SAVESET command.
SL [axis]+
will set the lower limit to be the current position. Restore the default limit by executing SL [axis]-
. The +/- operand syntax is supported as of Tiger firmware v2.8 and MS-2000 firmware as of roughly 2013.
The corresponding command for the lower firmware limit switch is the SETLOW command.
Command:SETUP (SU)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SU Format SU [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Remembered Automatically
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SU Format SU [axis]=[position in mm]… Units millimeter Type Axis-Specific Remembered Automatically
Same as SETLOW command (see above) but for upper firmware limit switch.
Note 1: If this value is equal to or less than the value for SETLOW
, then the controller will operate incorrectly. See also Note 2.
Note 2: When the direction of an axis is negative (see CCA Z=###), upper limit settings must be negative values, and lower limit settings must be positive values.
Note 3: For clocked devices (e.g. filter sliders, turrets) the upper limit is always the number of positions. Querying the value is useful for determining how many positions.
Note 4: As of Tiger firmware v2.8, SU [axis]+
will set the upper limit to be the current position. Restore the default limit by executing SU [axis]-
This command has two distinct functions depending on whether the system uses linear encoders SEARCH INDEX
or rotary encoders SEEK LIMITS
This functionality is available by request from ASI. It is not included with standard firmware.
- Linear Encoder and SEARCH INDEX
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SI Format SI [axis]=[position in 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns Firmware Version Required v8.4+
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SI Format SI [axis]=[position in 1/10 microns]… Units 1/10 microns Type Axis-Specific
This command searches for the physical centers of the stage and marks it with a user inputted value. Software limits are reset to default. Note, if the command is rerun again it will fail and print the “N-5” error. To avoid this, move the axis off-center, zero the position and then issue the command.
If there are no errors, a positive reply of “:A” is sent back.Example
SI X=0 :A
In the example, the controller searches for the center of X-axis and sets it to zero.
SI Y=20000 :A
In the example, the controller searches for the center of Y-axis and sets it to 2mm.
SI Y=0 :N-5
N-5, indicates center of axes could not be found. This could be because previous center value is same as the new value, or hardware and software issues.
SI X? Y? :A X=0 Y=0
In this example the X and Y axes are being queried for the current setting of the axes centers. The response is what they have previously been set to (not necessarily 0).
- Rotary Encoder and SEEK LIMITS
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut SI Format SI [axis] = [1 or -1]… Units 1 or -1 as direction Firmware Version Required v8.8e+
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut SI Format SI [axis] = [1 or -1]… Units - Type Axis-Specific
, then the stage seeks the upper limit. If-1
, then the stage seeks the lower limit.The stage moves to the hardware limit, backs away 3 mm, then approaches the limit slowly enough to maximize repeatability of the result. The recommended procedure is as follows, with
commands using one or more axis arguments:- Send SI command.
- Poll with STATUS command until ‘N’ is received.
- Send HERE command with desired real world position.
If there are no errors, a positive reply of “:A” is sent back after issuing the command. If an error occurs during execution it will be reported then.Example
SI X=1 Y=-1 :A
In this example the command is issued to seem the X axis positive limit and the Y axis negative limit.
SI X? Y? :A X=0 Y=0
In the example the X and Y axes are being queried for the current setting for the direction to seek the limits.
Auto Homing For Clocked Devices like Sliders
As of firmware 9.2l (for MS2000) and 3.18 (for Tiger) Seek Limit routine performs an additional step for clocked devices. After finding the Limit it moves a set distance (distance is specified as Home Position Command:SETHOME) and zeros itself there. By default, the distance between Upper limit and Slot 1 is saved in Home position , so when Seek Limit is run , the controller is able to move the slider to position 1 by finding the limit and moving a set distance from it.
Command:SPEED (S)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut S Format SPEED [axis]=[max speed in mm/sec]… Units mm/sec Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut S Format SPEED [axis]=[max speed in mm/sec]… Units mm/sec Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Sets the speed at which the stage will move during the middle of a commanded move (e.g. using MOVE
, or the home
joystick button; speed during joystick moves is separate and set using the JSSPD command). The start of the move has a ramp-up period and the end of the move has a ramp-down period plus a separate landing phase. Duration of the ramps is set by the AC command, and the landing phase is discussed on the tuning page.
Speed is set in millimeters per second. Maximum speed setting is is ~7.68 mm/s for standard 6.35 mm pitch leadscrews (4 TPI). See the page on lead screw pitch options. Default speed is ~67% of the max speed.
The stage might not be able to keep up with the firmware-set maximum speed depending on mechanical load and internal friction, and for that reason the advertised maximum speeds are a bit less than the maximum firmware setting (but advertised max speeds are always attainable with typical loads).
The maximum possible speed setting can be determined by setting the speed to a very high number, querying the resulting speed, and then restoring the original setting.
Command:SPIN (@)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut @ Format SPIN [axis]=[-128 to 128]… Units integer -128 to 128
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut @ Format SPIN [axis]=[-128 to 128]… Units integer -128 to 128 Type Axis-Specific
Tells controller to ‘spin’ the motor of specified axis at a rate expressed as its DAC value, a bit value from -128 to 128. This causes the motor to run in open-loop mode with no position or speed feedback.
Command:STATUS (/)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut / Format STATUS
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut / Format STATUS Type Broadcast command
Inquires regarding the motor status of all axes. Queries the controller whether or not any of the motors are still busy moving following a serial command. Using the shortcut /
is the preferred method for rapid polling of the controller for a busy state. The /
is handled more quickly in the command parser.
Shortcut | SB |
Units | integer, 1 or 2 |
Remembered | Using SS Z |
Sets the number of stop bits, n, to be used for RS232 serial communication. The default is one 1
stop bit; the other option is two 2
stop bits. Use the SAVESET Z command to retain the new stop bit setting after power off.
TTL functionality differs based on whether the controller is a Tiger (TG-1000) or MS2000/RM2000 controller, due to hardware differences. Some TTL modes are only available with certain firmware modules.
The Tiger (TG-1000) and MS2000 controller electronics have a buffered TTL input (IN0
) and output (OUT0
) port that are usually connected to the IN and OUT BNC connectors on the back of the controller. These ports allow voltages in the range of 0V to 5V as an input, where any voltage below 0.95v(+-0.3v) is a LOGIC LOW signal. Any signal above 1.6 V (+-0.3 V) is considered a LOGIC HIGH state. Any signals in between 0.95 to 1.6 V will maintain the same logic state that was registered from the last known state (Schmitt Triggered inputs). The TTL input has a 10K Ohm resistor to ground, and connecting to the input of a Schmitt Trigger 5W TTL gate. The output is CMOS-compatible 5v TTL directly from a single CMOS gate. The behavior of these connectors are determined by the IN0_mode
and OUT0_mode
parameters set by the TTL X
and TTL Y
commands respectively. There are also has several unbuffered I/O ports on the motherboard that are occasionally exposed for special purposes.
Absolute maximum voltage to be applied to ASI's controller: -0.5 V to 5.5 V. Any voltage applied that is greater than 5.5 V or less than -0.5 V will void the warranty and may cause damage to the controller!
On Tiger TG-1000 controllers, some cards have buffered TTL input (IN0
) and output (OUT0
) ports exposed, in which case the behavior is determined by the IN0_mode
and OUT0_mode
parameters set by the TTL X
and TTL Y
commands respectively. The TTL command is Card-Addressed, meaning that on Tiger it applies to each card separately. A few Tiger cards have extended functionality using the TTL_AUXILIARY
firmware module affected by the TTL R
and TTL T
On older versions of the MS2000 and TG1000 firmware, you may need to enable the axes with the RM Y=# command for TTL-triggered ring buffer moves if the default value is incorrect. After Wizkid version 9.2o, the default is 3.
Sending the command RM without any other arguments sets the TTL input interrupt flag and performs the same operation that a single TTL IN0 input pulse would control as determined by the current IN0_mode. See RBMODE (RM)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format TTL [X=IN0_mode] [Y=OUT0_mode] [F=OUT0_polarity] [T=report_mode]
TTL (firmware v9.2k+)Remembered Using SS Z Required Version 8.5+
Unless otherwise specified, the TTL commands used for Tiger apply to all WK2000-based systems as well.
- Tiger syntax
Format [Addr#]TTL [X=IN0_mode] [Y=OUT0_mode] [Z=aux_IO_state] [F=OUT0_polarity] [R=aux_IO_mask] [T=aux_IO_mode]
[Addr#]TTL (firmware v3.16+)Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
0 - Turns off TTL IN0 controlled functions; TTL interrupt DISABLED.
1 - TTL IN0 initiates a Move-to-Next-Position of the stored positions in the ring buffer pointed to by the buffer_pointer. When the buffer_pointer reaches a value equal to the number of saved positions, it resets to the first position, allowing cyclic repetitions to the saved locations. See RBMODE
and LOAD
2 - TTL IN0 repeats most recent relative move (see MOVREL
). For example, begin a session by issuing the command RM Y=7
, then MOVREL X=0 Y=0 Z=10
, and each subsequent TTL trigger will cause the Z axis to move 1 micron2). This function can be used for repetitive relative moves of any axis or combination of axes on the controller (for MS-2000) or on the card (for Tiger). For the “focus axis” only you may directly set the dZ value with the ZS
command’s X parameter.
As of MS2000 9.2o
and Tiger v3.38
only the axes that are enabled with RM Y=# will be moved. The default axis mask is 3, for X and Y only to match with legacy firmware. Also, the BACKLASH
setting is ignored during TTL-triggered relative moves, on earlier versions of the firmware you will see incorrect results with fast TTL pulses if the backlash is not set to 0
3 - TTL IN0 initiates an autofocus operation on systems with autofocus installed.
4 - Enables TTL IN0 controlled Z-stacks. (See ZS
command). When this command is first received by the controller, the ZS command state machine is reset.
5 - Enables TTL IN0-started position reporting via the serial interface. Information is asynchronously sent out the serial interface every report_time interval, where report_time is set with the RT command. Data returned in the serial stream are the elapsed time in milliseconds since the TTL trigger, followed by the position of each axis enable by the axis_byte (set by the RM command
). On TRACKING systems, the PMT sum signal is also reported. Reporting is toggled on and off by the TTL input pulse.
6 - On the rising edge of a TTL pulse, initiate a stage scan if the scan state is IDLE
. This is equivalent to sending the SCAN
command without arguments to initiate a scan. Note: unlike the scan command, subsequent triggers will not stop the stage scan.
7 - TTL commanded ARRAY
move to next position.
9 - Used with CRISP focus lock. TTL IN0 HIGH engages lock if the system is in the READY state. TTL IN0 LOW will cause the system to UNLOCK is locked already.
10 - Toggle TTL OUT0. If TTL OUT0 is set either LOW or HIGH, an input pulse on the TTL IN0 will cause the output to toggle to the other state.
mode. Requires firmware support; as of early 2020 it is only implemented in Tiger but could be ported to MS2000/RM2000. To engage the SERVOLOCK_TTL
mode use the LK
command which will then automatically change the TTL IN0 mode and normally will restore it afterwards. When the SERVOLOCK_TTL
mode is engaged do not change the TTL X
setting. For further documentation see the SERVOLOCK_TTL documentation.
12 - Behavior is exactly the same as mode 1 above except the moves are relative rather than absolute.
CAUTION: If you are using TTL X mode 12, the values entered into the ring buffer using theLOAD
command represent RELATIVE coordinates, not ABSOLUTE coordinates. You must drive the stage to the appropriate starting position before triggering a ring buffer sequence.
Added in v3.24 for Tiger and version 9.52 for MS2000/RM2000.
20 - The TTL IN0 pulse turns on the TTL OUT0 for a fixed duration set by the ''RT Y'' command.
Can be used with a LED illumination to act as a flash of defined duration. For the TGLED card and MS2000/RM2000 with a Dual LED card (DLED), all LED channels remain off until a TTL pulse is received, and the TTL rising edge turns all LED channels ON and they remain ON for the duration set by the RT Y
command. 3) LED intensity is set by the LED
Added in v3.14 for Tiger and version 9.2l for MS2000/RM2000.
21 - Similar to mode 20 except TTL pulses cycle through the channels of the TGLED card or Dual LED card. On each TTL pulse, only ONE LED channel turns ON for a fixed time. The next TTL pulse turns on the next LED channel for a fixed time, and so on.
For Tiger v3.24 and later, when RB F=3
the TGLED card cycles thru all channels without waiting for TTL pulses. If an intensity is set to 0 using the LED
command then that channel is automatically skipped.
Added in v3.14 for Tiger and version 9.2l for MS2000/RM2000.
22 - Similar as mode 20 except waits for TTL pulse to go low before turning off the LED. Setting RT Y
isn't required.
Added in v3.30 for Tiger and version 9.2n for MS2000/RM2000.
23 - Same as mode 21 except waits for TTL pulse to go low before turning off the LED. Setting RT Y
isn't required.
Added in v3.30 for Tiger and version 9.2n for MS2000/RM2000.
30 - Used with Single Axis Modes 2 and 4, see the SAM command.
Mode 2: On the rising edge of a TTL pulse, the routine is performed once.
Mode 4: On the rising edge of a TTL pulse, the routine runs continuously.
Available in Tiger firmware 3.30 and above; not yet implemented for MS2000/RM2000.
103 - Repeating Autofocus. This mode does not use TTL IN. When set, the controller will automatically attempt an autofocus routine every K milliseconds indefinitely until TTL X is changed. The repetition time, K, is set using RTIME X=
. Example: RT X=5000 will set the repetition rate to 5 seconds. This is effectively the same as using TTL X=3 with an oscillator connected to TTL IN. Note: MS2000 Only
0 - TTL OUT0 unconditionally set LOW.
1 - TTL OUT0 unconditionally set HIGH.
2 - generates TTL pulse at end of a commanded move (MOVE
, move via ring buffer, or via array module). The pulse duration is set with command RT Y
. Note that any move that is initiated before the pulse duration is complete, will reset the duration timer and make the TTL output low immediately. For sequenced (automatic) array moves, use RT Z
to set the delay before the next array element is sequenced.
3 - output TTL OUT0 gated HIGH during axis index 0 (X) constant speed move not implemented but hardware-level TTL signal is available.
4 - output TTL OUT0 gated HIGH during axis index 1 (Y) constant speed movenot implemented but hardware-level TTL signal is available.
5 - output TTL OUT0 gated HIGH during axis index 2 (Z) constant speed movenot implemented but hardware-level TTL signal is available.
8 - TTL OUT0 timed arrival pre-pulse output. See RT
command. Requires PREPULSE
firmware module.
9 - TTL OUT0 PWM and MicroServo or Solenoid output. See the LED
or the SECURE
command. Requires LED_DIMMER
firmware module. On WK, with LED_DIMMER, the PWM frequency is 1KHz.
10 - Output TTL OUT0 gated HIGH upon completion of video AUTOFOCUS function. AUTOFOCUS
hardware and firmware required.
11 - Generates TTL OUT0 pulse at end of commanded move providing CRISP is in ‘F’ state (active and within tolerance). Waits for CRISP ‘F’ state after move completion to send a pulse. Generally not useful with TG-1000 controllers because the XY and focus axes are on different cards. ON MS-2000 the behavior of the STATUS
command is modified when this TTL mode is set: 'N' is returned when CRISP is in the In-Focus 'F' state and otherwise 'B' is returned. The pulse duration is set with command RT Y
. Note that any move that is initiated before the pulse duration is complete, will reset the duration timer and make the TTL output low immediately. For sequenced (automatic) array moves, use RT Z
to set the delay before the next array element is sequenced.
12 - TTL OUT0 high when CRISP is ‘F’ state, low otherwise.
20 - TTL OUT0 set during SPIM state machine operation. Requires MM_SPIM
firmware module (TG-1000 only). Was code 10 until v3.12.
21 - TTL1 backplane signal (PLC address 42) set high at the end of a ring buffer move or AIJ-initiated move (for laser trigger). Requires MM_TARGET
firmware module (TG-1000 only). Was code 11 until v3.12. As of firmware v3.36 outputs to the TTL1 backplane signal instead of to the usual TTL output.
22 - In this mode, TTL OUT0 is controlled by Single-axis function module. With the SAP
command the user can generate a TTL pulse that is synchronized with Single-axis function actuator motion. The pulse duration is set with command RT Y
. TG-1000 only, available in firmware version 3.17 and above.
30 - TTL OUT1 high when the position of first axis is more than the PC setting away from its target position. Tiger v3.38 and above (not yet in MS2000 but could be.)
31 - TTL OUT1 high when the position of second axis is more than the PC setting away from its target position. Tiger v3.38 and above (not yet in MS2000 but could be.)
32 - TTL OUT1 high when the position of third axis is more than the PC setting away from its target position. Tiger v3.38 and above (not yet in MS2000 but could be.)
33 - TTL OUT1 high when the position of fourth axis is more than the PC setting away from its target position. Tiger v3.38 and above (not yet in MS2000 but could be.)
1 - default polarity
-1 - inverts the polarity of TTL OUT0.
report_mode (MS2000 only)
Enables serial reporting on every output TTL pulse when set to be non-zero. Will output on separate serial port if enabled with compile-time flag.
Mode 51: Outputs the following bytes in order
If ARRAY_MODULE is defined
- X array index as 16-bit unsigned int (AIJ X? equivalent)
- Y array index as 16-bit unsigned int (AIJ Y? equivalent)
Next the encoder value for all axes in order as 32-bit signed integer in twos-complement, 4 bytes per axis (can be converted to reported position using multiplier)
If CRISP is enabled
- CRISP error value as signed int
- CRISP sum value as signed int
- carriage return '\r'
- 16-bit checksum calculated on bytes 1-20 according to IP header algorithm
- carriage return '\r'
IP header algorithm for checksum computation
- Treat every 2 bytes as 16-bit unsigned integer. Compute the running sum all 2-byte chunks in a 32-bit register.
- Sum the two halves of the 32-bit register, sum the resulting two halves again in the case of overflow, and subsequently perform a bitwise inversion: this is the 16-bit checksum value.
- To validate the checksum repeat the same steps but include the 16-bit checksum value in the running sum. The computed checksum should be 0000. If not there was an error in checksum generation or transmission of the data.
Example: firmware includes ARRAY_MODULE, CRISP and has X Y and Z axes. TTL Y=2 sets a TTL pulse at the end of the move. TTL T=51 sets this report format. The report will be a string of numbers like this (spaces for readability only)
0002 0001 0003 1E00 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFEE FC81 0679 0D DF0F 0D
where coordinate is (2,1) in the array, the X encoder value is 3268608 in decimal (corresponding to almost exactly 9mm position with 2 TPI rotary stage), Y encoder value is -1 in decimal, Z encoder value is -18 in decimal, CRISP error value is -895 in decimal, CRISP sum value is 1657 decimal, and the checksum is hex DF0F. To validate the checksum add each of these 16-bit unsigned numbers (excluding the 0D delimeters) which results in 5FFFA in hex. FFFA plus 5 is FFFF, and upon bitwise inversion the value becomes 0 as expected.
Tiger only. Requires TTL_AUXILIARY firmware module; behavior depends on the firmware build and hardware present. Sets the state of the auxiliary TTL output according to the aux_IO_mask. Input and output as a decimal number representing the binary pattern desired. The following uses have been defined so far:
For MM_SPIM firmware with SPIM TTL card: Bit0 = Side0/Laser0 output, Bit1 = Side1/Laser1 output
Requires TTL_AUXILIARY firmware module; behavior depends on the firmware build and hardware present. Controls how the aux_IO_state bits are used, or how the backplane is used when aux_IO_mode is set to 2. Input and output as a decimal number representing a binary mask. If the corresponding mask bit is set to 1 then the state bit will be reflected at the output, but if the mask bit is 0 then the state bit has no effect. The following uses have been defined so far:
For MM_SPIM firmware: Defaults to 3 = 0b00000011.
aux_IO_mode (Tiger only)
Requires TTL_AUXILIARY firmware module; behavior depends on the firmware build and hardware present. The SPIM state machine overrides these setting during its operation.
0 - TTL outputs determined by aux_IO_state/mask.
1 - TTL outputs determined by the LED command (requires MM_LASER_TTL
module). The default setting for MM_SPIM
2 - Simulates a TTL input from the backplane. The backplane value is masked by aux_IO_mask and the binary value is considered. If a 0-1 transition occurs then a TTL input pulse is simulated and action will be taken depending on the setting of IN0_mode. The default setting for TTL_AUXILIARY
on piezo firmware.
Without any Argument
In firmware version 3.16 and above on TG-1000 and version 9.2k and above on MS2000/RM2000, when the TTL
command is issued without any arguments, like [Card Addr#]TTL , the controller reports the state of TTL IN.
For Tiger/TG-1000, the controller replies with :A 0 when signal is low. and :A 1 when TTL IN sees a high signal.
For MS2000/RM2000, the controller replies with the inverse polarity, :A 1 when the signal is low and :A 0 when the signal is high. This is a logical bug in the firmware, but because it was in the field so long before being noticed we made the intentional decision to keep the behavior unchanged.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format UM [axis]= ### … Units integer Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Format UM [axis]= ### … Units integer Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Command:UNITS (UN)
Shortcut | UN |
Format | UNITS |
Remembered | Using SS Z |
Toggles between millimeters and inches shown on the LCD display when DIP Switch 2 is down.
If there are no errors, a positive reply of :A is returned.
Unit Multiplier
To change the Unit Multiplier use the Command:UM command.
Command:UNLOCK (UL)
- For CRISP or ZS
- Tiger Syntax
Shortcut UL Format [Addr#]UL [X=LED_intensity] [Y=update_rate] [Z=rel_lk_knob_spd][F=focus_index] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z
- MS2000 and RM2000 Syntax
Shortcut UL Format UL [X=LED_intensity] [Y=update_rate] [Z=rel_lk_knob_spd][F=focus_index] Remembered Using SS Z
Without arguments, this command unlocks the servo from the focus system and returns control to encoder feedback from the Z-axis drive. The focus error offset is not changed.
may be set from 0 to 100 (%) of full power using the X argument. The default value is 50.Y:
is used to reduce the update rate of the CRISP system to the motor drive system. Increase Update_Rate to improve stability when using piezo Z-axis drive systems. As of Tiger firmware version 3.38, the value of Update_Rate is given in milliseconds. The default update rate for piezos is 5ms and everything else has an update rate of 10ms as of version 3.38. Note:UL Y
was previously known as “Number of Skips”. You will want to increase the loop gain with LR T=# as you increase the update rate.Z:
controls the sensitivity of the control focus knob when the system is locked. This will vary depending on the calibration factor that the system finds, so don’t be alarmed if you find large sensitivity differences with conditions. The default value is 2.F:
To select active Z-focus axis: If the controller can handle more than one Z-axis focus device, you can specify the focus_index to select which one is active for theCRISP
functions. Specify as a 0-indexed number; find the axis index from the letter using the Z2B command or else parse the output of the BU X command and figure out what number in order the axis letter is). Save the parameter change (SS Z) and reset the controller for setting to take effect.
Shortcut UL Format UL [X=focus_enable ] [Y= z_cal_value ] [Z=closeness ] [F=focus_index] Remembered Using SS Z Without arguments, this command unlocks the servo from the focus system and returns control to encoder feedback from the Z-axis drive. The focus error offset is not changed.
X=0 autofocus off; X=1 autofocus on.Y:
is the gain constant for the focus servo.Z:
is a relative value describing the precision of XY centering before Z focus tracking is activated. closeness should be set to roughly the acceptable xerr2 + yerr2, where xerr and yerr are typical “well tracked” errors numbers seen on the controller LCD display.F:
To select active Z-focus axis: If the controller can handle more than one Z-axis focus device, you can specify the focus_index to select which one is active for theCRISP
functions. Save the parameter change (SS Z) and reset the controller for setting to fully take effect. Some functions will work without the reset, including the commandZS X
This command has a slightly different usage on Tiger then in MS2000 and RM2000.
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax and function
Shortcut VB Format VB [X=binary_code] [Y=TTL IN1 state (read only)] [Z=read_decimal_places] [T=CMD_code] Units integer Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required v8.5+ Adds serial communication verbose modes for special functions. The
is the sum of the bit values for the desired functions from the list below. The Y argument allows the TTLIN1
input state to be directly queried via serial command. The number of decimal places for theWHERE
command is set byread_decimal_places
.Bit 0 1 Send character ‘N’ upon completion of a commanded move. Bit 1 2 Send ‘p’ for joystick quick-press and release, ‘P’ for long-press. Bit 2 4 Send ‘H’ for TTL IN1 low-to-high transition; ‘L’ for high-to-low. Bit 3 8 Changes the reply termination for <CR>+<LF>
to just<CR>
Bit 4 16 Move and Move Rel will print the new Target Position. Bit 5 32 Axes positions reported upon completion of a commanded move. Example VB X=7 turns on the first three of the above functions.
CMD_code can be specified on firmware with the NO_CHANGE_SETTINGS module included in the firmware. If you need this function and do not have the module in the firmware, contact ASI. This feature allows some commands to be “turned off” for modification of settings by host software, preventing changes to those settings until the protection is explicitly removed.
Serial commands are enumerated according to the following table with a command number CMD:
Example VB T=1027 will disable changing the SPEED command.
The command is explicitly enabled by using VB T=CMD.
Example VB T=27 will allow the SPEED command to work again.
- Tiger syntax and function
Shortcut VB Format [addr#]VB [X=binary_code] [Z=read_decimal_places] [F=###] Units integer Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z The Z argument sets the number of decimal places for the
command. This is card-addressed so that different cards can be set differently. It is saved to non-volatile memory using the SS Z command.The F argument sets the reply syntax; this command is only applicable to the comm card. The default setting of 0 is the MS-2000 syntax, and setting to 1 gives the Tiger syntax (see Reply Syntax section of Quick Start on Serial Commands. The syntax state does not persist when power is turned off because the comm card has no saved settings (it could potentially in the future, but not as of mid-2022).
Reply Note that this command does NOT return :A or other acknowledgement.The X argument implemented in firmware version 3.17 and above. When set with the Binary bit shown in the table below, performs the corresponding action
Bit 4 16 Move and Move Rel will print the new Target Position.Vector command will print the current position 1vb x=16 <LF> ve x=1 y=-1 :A -0 -0 <LF> ve x=2 y=-2 :A 66562 -66567 <LF> ve x=0 y=0 :A 156651 -156663 <LF>
In the above example, XY stage is on Card Addr#1. Because VB X=16, BIT4 was set. This makes the Vector command reply with the axis's current position.
Command:VECTOR (VE)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut VE Format VE [axis]=[speed in mm/sec]… Units mm/sec Firmware Required v8.5+
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut VE Format VE [axis]=[speed in mm/sec]… Units mm/sec Type Axis-Specific
command causes the stage to immediately ramp up to the velocity value specified by the command. The command arguments are expressed in units of mm/sec. The stage will continue indefinitely at the commanded velocity until the controller receives another command. A value of zero for the velocity component will halt motion on that axis. The controller will accelerate the stage to the commanded velocity at the rate specified by the ACCEL
commands until the commanded velocity is obtained.
Query VE X? [Y?] [Z?] Returns the current speed increment for the servo trajectory generator in units of mm/sec.
Reply :A is returned upon receipt of the command.
ve x=10 :A <LF> ve x? :A X=9.999151 <LF> ve x=0 :A <LF>
Command:VERSION (V)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut V Format VERSION
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut V Format [addr#]VERSION Type Card-Addressed
This commands returns the current firmware version.
Note: The MS2000 firmware version no longer contains a character at end, the firmware version after 9.2p
is 9.50
- Tiger Example
Firmware version of the card at address 1:
1V :A v3.45
- MS2000 example
Firmware version of the controller:
V :A Version: USB-9.2m
Note: New firmware versions no longer contain a character at the end.
V :A Version: USB-9.52
Command:WAIT (WT)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut WAIT Format WAIT [axis]=[time in msec]… Units millisecond Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut WAIT Format WAIT [axis]=[time in msec]… Units millisecond Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Sets the length of time msec, in milliseconds, the controller will pause at the end of a commanded move. The busy status is not cleared during this pause state, unless the ''MAINTAIN'' behavior for the axis is set to code=3
. Additionally, a P is displayed on the LCD display when in the Pause state. During the Pause state, the servo loop remains actively attempting to position the axis on target.
For a piezo stage axis, the controller enters the Pause state as soon as the command is received and the voltage applied to the piezo. The controller remains BUSY until the Pause state times out. Typically used to allow for piezo stage settling time.
For Phototargeting or MM_TARGET
firmware , this can be used to specify the amount of time between the move initiation (either a ring buffer move or from the AIJ command) and when the laser pulse turns on. Thus it would normally be non-zero for at least one of the micro-mirror axes involved in phototargeting. Default for all axes in MM_TARGET
firmware is 5 ms (usual default is 0 ms).
Command:WHERE (W)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut W Format WHERE axis [axis] [axis]…
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut W Format WHERE axis [axis] [axis]… Type Axis-Specific
Returns the current position of the device for the axis specified.
The reporting precision of the WHERE
command can be changed with the VB Z command.
Command:WHO (N)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut N Format WHO Firmware Version Tiger v1.6+
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut N Format WHO Type Comm-default command Firmware Version Tiger v1.6+
Inquires the controller to reply with its name. Allows computer software to automatically determine what stage instrument is attached at the end of the serial line.
In TG-1000 it prints all the card address, axis characters, build name and compile date, of all cards installed in the system. The card addresses are printed in the hex representation of the character, e.g. “32” is printed for card address “2”.
- MS2000 example
- Tiger example
N At 30: Comm v1.6 TIGER_COMM Jul 02 2013:17:19:34 At 31: X:XYMotor,Y:XYMotor v2.4 STD_XY Jun 11 2013:10:24:35 At 32: P:MMirror,Q:MMirror,R:MMirror,S:MMirror v2.4 MMIRROR_4CH May 10 2013:16:22:55
Command:WRDAC (WD)
- On Tiger with TGLED
Shortcut WD version 9.51 Format [Addr#]WRDAC X=[1 to 100] Units Percentage between 0 and 100 Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z This command is “recycled” for a slightly different use in TGLED than for other cards. In the context of a TGLED card this command is used to set the maximum amount of current for all the LED channels.
The Maximum amount of current a TGLED Rev A card can output on each LED channel is 1.2Amps. When the X argument is set to 75, then maximum current each channel will output is reduced to 75% of 1.2Amps i.e. 0.9Amps.
This command can be used as a quick way to adjust the brightness of all LED channels. Default is 75%, ASI recommends not exceeding this limit.
1WRDAC X=50 :A
Limits the maximum current output on each channel to 50% or 0.6Amps
1WRDAC X? X=50 :A
Queries the card for maximum current percentage.
- On Tiger with TGPMT
Shortcut WD version 9.51 Format [Addr#]WRDAC X=[0 to 1000] Y=[1 to 1000] Units integer, between 0 and 1000 Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [Addr#]SS Z This command is “recycled” for a slightly different use on TGPMT card than for other cards. In the context of a TGPMT card this command is used to set the PMT's control voltage or gain. When set to 0, PMT output signal drops to 0Volts, turning it off. When set to 1000, 100% of control signal (1 Volts incase of H10722) is applied to the PMT.
X sets the gain for
Y sets the gain for
This function does the same function as the Dials on TGPMT cards faceplate.
7WRDAC X? Y? X=500.000000 Y=0.000000 :A
Queries the TGPMT card at Address 7 for PMT gain settings.
is at 50% gain,PMT1
is at 0% gain and so is off.7WRDAC X=505 :A
Sets the gain of
at 50.5% on TGPMT card at address 7.
- On MS2000 and RM2000
Shortcut WD version 9.53 Format WRDAC X=[0 to 10] Units Voltage, 0 to 10V Firmware Required 8.4f+ Lets the user set the voltage on header pin SV1-5 on WK2000 board. The voltage can be varied between 0 and 10 Volts, with an accuracy of 0.1V. Maximum Output drive current is 35mA. Input value in volts. Does not work with Piezo units. If using a a firmware build with
in the name, such asPZ_CRISP
, commanded moves of the Z axis will be scaled using the CCA X command (minimum=0v, maximum=10.00v) and output on the analog 0-10V output BNC (SV1 Pin 5).Example
WRDAC X=1.1 :A
Voltage on PIN SV1-5 is 1.1Volts
WRDAC X=20 :N-4 WRDAC X=-1 :N-4
Parameter out of range
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Format Z2B axis=[new axis letter ascii code]… Units ASCII code Remembered Using SS Z Firmware Required v8.6d+
- Tiger syntax
Format Z2B axis=[new axis letter ascii code]… Units ASCII code Type Axis-Specific Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
Allows the user to change the axis name for a motor axis. The current_axis_letter
must be one of the motor axes names listed with the BU X command. The new_axis_letter_ascii_code
must be the decimal ASCII code for the desired axis name for letters between upper case A(65)
and Z(90)
. For the change to take effect, the new setting must be saved to flash memory using SS Z, followed by a hardware reset. The new axis name will remain in effect unless default settings are restored to the controller.
If the Z2B value of an axis is queried (e.g. Z2B Y?
), the axis’ index on the card is returned (e.g. :A Y=1 for the 2nd axis on the card).
Command:ZERO (Z)
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut Z Format ZERO
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut Z Format ZERO Type Broadcast Command
Writes a zero to the position buffer of all axes. Allows the user to set current position as the origin. It’s a Broadcast Command.
For setting the position of a single axis to zero instead, use the HERE
- MS2000 or RM2000 syntax
Shortcut ZS Format ZS [X=dZ] [Y=num_slices] [Z=mode] [F=stack_timeout] Remembered Using SS Z
- Tiger syntax
Shortcut ZS Format [addr#]ZS [X=dZ] [Y=num_slices] [Z=mode] [F=stack_timeout] Type Card-Addressed Remembered Using [addr#]SS Z
X: dZ
: The amount to move each slice in 10ths of microns (ASI units).
Y: num_slices
: The number of slices in the Z-stack, the maximum value is 32767. Prior to MS2000 v9.50 and Tiger v3.43+ the maximum number of slices is 127.
Z: mode
: Select between a sawtooth or triangle waveform for stage motion. The default mode is the sawtooth waveform.
F: stack_timeout
: The maximum allowed time in milliseconds between TTL input pulses. The default value is 500, and the max value is 32767.
This command sets parameters for use with TTL triggered Z movement. User must also set TTL X=4 for this trigger mode to be active. When a positive TTL edge is detected, the focus axis is moved by an amount dZ
(expressed in 10th microns units). Note that internally the amount dZ
is actually stored as a multiple of the encoder unit, e.g. ~22 nanometers for a 4 TPI stage with rotary encoders, or 10 nanometers exactly for most linear encoded stages. This move distance is repeated for num_slices
TTL triggered moves. If mode=1
, the stage will step in the opposite direction for n moves, then turn around again, repeating a triangular waveform cycle. If mode=0
the stage will return to the original position after num_slices moves and repeat a saw-tooth waveform cycle.
The current position when the first TTL pulse is received becomes the center of the stack as well as the position that the stage returns to after the timeout duration.
The stack begins with a move to the negative extreme if dZ
is positive and moves in increasing position. To reverse the polarity use a negative dZ
Note that the total range traversed during the stack is dZ
MS2000 9.51 and Tiger 3.44 firmware: When you send the ZS command it converts from ASI units to encoder counts, if this internal value is an odd number, then the travel range can be off by 1 encoder count due to rounding issues.
The axis moved by the TTL is the designated “focus index” (also the axis used for CRISP among other things). Use UNLOCK F to read or set the axis letter corresponding to “focus index”. Note the setting has to be changed, settings saved, and the controller reset or power cycled for the new setting to take effect. If the controller has a piezo but no motorized focus drive then the piezo axis should be set as the “focus index”. If both are present the “focus index” normally defaults to the piezo. Prior to Tiger v3.44 the ZS
command would always move the z index
rather than the focus index
This is not the only way to perform a Z-stack using ASI hardware, the ring buffer module can be setup to do Z-stacks as well.
Backlash: ZS routine also performs the backlash compensation move for each step. For step size smaller than 10 microns, this might result in issues like irregular step sizes. Consider disabling Command:BACKLASH for smaller step sizes.
Stack Timeout: If the TTL frequency is less than 2Hz, then the controller might consider it a stack time out condition. Consider increasing the stack timeout to accommodate the slower TTL frequency, to avoid any issues.