
Recent cleared tissue light sheet pre-prints with ASI contributions

Two pre-prints with light sheet microscopes with ASI contributions have been recently submitted to bioRxiv.  Eventually these should appear in traditional journals, but I applaud the authors’ decision to make them available on bioRxiv sooner (I’m a big fan of pre-prints for multiple reasons).

First, a pre-print from the Allen Institute for Brain Science describing mFISH in cleared mouse brain imaged using light sheet [fn1].  The system uses an ASI iSPIM setup, ASI’s NA 0.4 multi-immersion objectives (developed with Special Optics), and the ASI diSPIM plugin in Micro-Manager to perform image acquisition with stage scanning.  The focus of the paper is biology which I don’t pretend to fully understand, but it’s been fun helping Rusty and others on the instrumentation side of things.

Second, a pre-prent from the University of Washington describing the latest iteration of their open-top light-sheet microscope for high-throughput imaging [fn2].  The system uses ASI stages (the XYZ stage ASI calls the “FTP-2000“) and the same NA 0.4 multi-immersion objective.  I’m glad the analysis I did years ago on the maximum achievable imaging depth as a function of objective NA and WD is now published as part of Supplementary Figure 22.  It’s been a enjoyable helping Adam and others on the hardware and it was a pleasant surprise that he wanted me to be a co-author.

[fn1] Multimodal cell type correspondence by intersectional mFISH in intact tissues, DOI: 10.1101/525451

[fn2] Multi-immersion open-top light-sheet microscope for high-throughput imaging of cleared tissues, DOI: 10.1101/548107