Using NIS Elements Software with MS-2000 Model WK2
ASI Firmware
This document mentions various MS-2000 Firmware versions. Contact ASI Support for help with MS-2000 firmware.
This document mentions various MS-2000 Firmware versions. Contact ASI Support for help with MS-2000 firmware.
MS-2000 model WK2 firmware versions 8.8a through 8.8h had a problem connecting with NIS Elements. This problem does not exist in version 8.8j and later.
When you have been running NIS Elements with the MS-2000 for a while and you start a new session one day, you may get the dialog shown in Figure 1. This means that Elements knows that the MS-2000 is supposed to be there, but can’t find it. Check your cable connection, ensure that power is on for the MS-2000 and that the LCD appears as it should when running, then click on Reconnect Now.
Figure 1: Unable to connect…
If Elements starts up without the “Unable to connect” dialog but can’t operate the MS-2000, or if you have not installed the MS-2000 yet, select Devices/Manage Devices… from the main menu and check the dialog pictured in Figure 2. If you do not see MS-2000 in the Installed devices box, click on Add and select ASI MS-2000 from the drop-down list. If you do not see that item in the Add list, then you need the ASI driver software from Nikon, not from ASI. ASI does not have the NIS Elements driver software.
Figure 2: Manage devices dialog, MS-2000 not connected.
When the MS-2000 is connected, highlight one of the items listed under MS-2000, e.g., ASI XY Drive. The Device Parameters… button in Figure 2 becomes enabled. Click on Device Parameters… to see the dialog pictured in Figure 3.
Figure 3: XY Axes Settings Dialog
In the tested NIS Elements version, some but not all of the settings shown in Figure 3 are correctly set and saved in the MS-2000. Check for this issue if the MS-2000 does not behave as expected. For example, if you check Reverse X and click Apply, then the box should still be checked after shutting down and restarting both NIS Elements and the MS-2000.
You can also make and save settings using the ASI Console software. However, some versions of NIS Elements override saved settings when connecting to MS-2000.
Note also that Reverse X and/or Reverse Y work correctly only in MS-2000 model WK2 version 8.8j and later.
This section was written while testing the MS-2000 model WK2 with NIS Elements version 3.22.00 (build 710).
For the stage to move through a matrix of points as expected, the top of the matrix must have the lowest Y value as shown on the MS-2000 LCD display. Left must have the lowest X value. Accordingly, bottom has the highest Y value, and right has the highest X value.
In other words using the signed values shown on the MS-2000 LCD, for corner points and in any matrix: X-right>X-left and Y-bottom>Y-top.
If your microscope’s physical positions top left and bottom right don’t look right using the above definition, then you may need to Reverse X and/or Reverse Y using the XY Axes Settings dialog. (Note: Reverse X and/or Reverse Y work correctly only in MS-2000 model WK2 version 8.8j and later.)
To change Reverse X and/or Reverse Y settings, you can also use the ASI Console More… page. You may also use a serial port terminal application and the CCA Z… command defined in the MS-2000 Programming Manual. This setting must be saved with the Save Settings command SS Z in order to work after a reset.
Note that NIS Elements must be shut down before changing settings with other software.
If the joystick moves an axis in the wrong direction, use the DIP switches on the back panel to reverse the direction: 8 for X, 7 for Y. After changing DIP switch settings, you must restart the MS-2000 for the new settings to work.
The joystick may become disabled unexpectedly during NIS Elements sessions. This can be prevented by using a setting available in MS-2000 model WK2 version 8.8j and later. This setting causes the MS-2000 to keep the joystick enabled at all times.
Listed in the MS-2000 Programming Manual, the command to keep the joystick enabled at all times is CCA Z=20. The command to restore normal joystick operation is CCA Z=21. This setting must be saved by the Save Settings command SS Z in order to remain in effect after a reset.
For assistance with this software, feel free to call (541) 461-8181. In the United States and Canada you may call (800) 706-2284.
You may also send an e-mail to SUPPORT.