160 x 110 mm Petri Dish & Flask Inserts
Below you can find many of our 160 x 110 mm petri dish and flask inserts. Please contact us or fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you have any questions regarding these inserts.
Below you can find many of our 160 x 110 mm petri dish and flask inserts. Please contact us or fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you have any questions regarding these inserts.
The I-3026 insert accepts 30 mm to 65 mm (1.18” to 2.56”) Petri dishes. The unit places the bottom of a dish about 7.4 mm below the top of the insert.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.4 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3034 insert accepts WillCo dishes with a maximum bottom outside diameters of 33.9 mm (1.33”) and 50.0 mm (1.97). The unit places the bottom of the dishes about 7.3 mm below the top of the insert. Surrounding cavity diameters are 37.7 mm (1.48”) and 54.0 mm (2.12”) to accommodate the dish covers. Hole diameters are 31.3 mm (1.23”) and 47.5 mm (1.97”). Ease of access side slots. Spring clips for secure stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.4 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3035 and the I-3039 inserts accept Petri dishes with a maximum bottom outside diameter of 35.3 mm (1.39”) and 39 mm (1.54”) respectively. The units place the bottom of the dishes about 7.4 mm below the top of the inserts. The surrounding cavity diameters are 41.2 mm (1.62”) and 46.6 mm (1.83”) to accommodate a dish cover. Hole diameters are 31.8 mm (1.25”) and 36.4 mm (1.43”). Ease of access side slots. Spring clips for secure stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.4 mm. It doesn’t applied to the 39 mm Petri Dish Insert (I-3039)
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3050 and the I-3060 inserts accept Petri dishes with a maximum bottom outside diameter of 50.0 mm (1.97”) and 61.9 mm (2.44”) respectively. The units place the bottoms of the dishes about 7.4 mm below the top of the insert. The surrounding cavity diameters are 53.9 mm (2.12”) and 67.0 mm (2.64”) to accommodate a dish cover. Hole diameter are 47.5 mm (1.87”) and 57.0 mm (2.25”). Ease of access side slots. Spring clips for secure stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.4 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3085 and the I-3088 insert accept Petri dishes with a maximum bottom outside diameter of 88.9 mm (3.50”) and 90.9 mm (3.58”) respectably. The units place the bottom of the dish about 7.4 mm below the top of the insert. Hole diameter is 82.5 mm (3.25”) and 84.2 mm (3.31”). Ease of access side slots. Spring clips for secure stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.4mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3098 insert accepts Petri dishes with a maximum bottom outside diameter of 100.8 mm (3.97”). The unit places the bottom of the dish about 7.4 mm below the top of the insert. Hole diameter is 94.5 mm (3.72”). Ease of access side slots. Spring clips for secure stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.4 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3090-C insert accepts Corning T25 flasks. The unit places the bottom of the flask about 7.3 mm below the top of the insert, and uses a spring-loaded clamp for stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.3 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3092-C insert accepts Corning T75 flasks. The unit places the bottom of the flask about 7.3 mm below the top of the insert, and uses a spring-loaded clamp for stability. The I-3092-C also holds SARSTEDT-brand T75 flasks.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.3 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3090-N insert accepts Nunc T25 flasks. The unit places the bottom of the flask about 7.3 mm below the top of the insert, and uses a spring-loaded clamp for stability.
Depth from top of Insert: N/A
Overall Thickness: 4.8 mm
The I-3092-N insert accepts Nunc T75 flasks. The unit places the bottom of the flask about 7.3 mm below the top of the insert, and uses a spring-loaded clamp for stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 7.3 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm
The I-3092 BD insert T75 BD Falcon flask. The unit places the bottom of the flask about 6mm below the top of the insert, and uses a spring-loaded clamp for stability.
Depth from top of Insert: 6.0 mm
Overall Thickness: 8.0 mm