VTS-2300 Versatile Test Stand
VTS-2300 Features
Our Versatile Test Stand is used in conjunction with our Modular Infinity Microscope System. Some of the features of the VTS-2300 include:
- Base is a Breadboard on 25 mm centers tapped for M6 screws with threaded holes for risers for TE/TI-2000, TE-300, IX-71/81, DMI, and MS-2000 stages
- Base feet provide vibration isolation
- Z riser is adjustable on pillar blocks
- Z motion from LS-50 or LS-100 linear stage
- Z illumination can use LED, LED and a Condenser (from below), or fiber illumination (from above)
- Observation is with a Modular Infinity Microscope
More Info
MIM Specs
Basic MIM Specifications
- Infinity Space Beam Splitter Cube – can be used for Epi-fluorescence filter cube or as right-angle objective adapter.
- Objective Adapter – options for Nikon CFI60, Mitutoyo, or Olympus RMS thread objectives.
- Universal Coupling – used on all infinity-space components for design flexibility.
- C-Mount Beam Splitter – provides a second camera/detector port.
- Filter Wheel Adapter – Use with ASI FW-1000 Filter Wheel.
Basic Components
Tube lens | 200 mm F.L. |
Beamsplitter | Olympus AX/BX/IX series cube |
Beamsplitter optical length | 60 mm |
Objectives supported | Nikon CF160 Series, Mitutoyo LWD Series, *Olympus ∞ corrected |
Camera port | C-Mount |
*Olympus objectives will have overall magnification 1.11 x objective marking
LS-Stage Specs
Technical Drawings