Dual Inverted Selective Plane Illumination Microscope ( iSPIM and diSPIM)

About the Dual Inverted Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (diSPIM) Configuration

ASI offers all of the necessary hardware to implement the diSPIM, which is a flexible and easy-to-use implementation of Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) that allows for dual views (d) of the sample while mounted on an inverted (i) microscope. The diSPIM “head” can be mounted on various inverted microscopes including ASI’s RAMM frame.

ASI manufactures the optomechanical elements, including the motorized stages, 2D galvos for creating and moving the light sheet, and the piezo objective movers. Objectives, lasers, and cameras are required to complete the system; users can procure these other items themselves, use the services of various system integrators selling the diSPIM, or purchase them via ASI.

The diSPIM has been tested successfully on cells cultured on cover slips, cells embedded on collegen gels, c. elegans and zebrafish embryos, and many other samples More information on dispim.org.

Basic SPIM System Configurations

Single-Sided Systems (iSPIM)

Light sheet created from one objective and imaged using the other objective. The light sheet is moved through the sample, most often by moving the light sheet using the scanner (galvo) which is synchronized with a piezo stage moving the imaging objective.

Advantages: Fastest acquisition, least expensive, straight-forward set-up.

Disadvantages: Better XY resolution than Z resolution.

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