Tiger Controller

About the Tiger Controller

The Tiger controller is an expandable modular card rack based system. Racks are available with either 8 or 16 card slots.
The Tiger is designed to control one or more microscope workstations simultaneously from a single USB connection.

TG-1000 Configurations

TG8-BASIC – Includes TG8, TGCOM, 2) TGDCM2, SA-JOY+ZF Contols four DC servo motors, Com card w/USB, Power supply, and Joystick w/ two knobs; 5 more free slots.

TG16-BASIC – Includes TG16, TGCOM, 2) TGDCM2, SA-JOY+ZF Contols four DC servo motors, Com card w/USB, Power supply, and Joystick w/ two knobs; 13 more free slots.

TG8 – Eight-slot power supply and chassis / box for motion control cards. Bench size 9.25″W x 5.5″H x 10.25″D 100-240 VAC Input.

TG16– Sixteen-slot Power supply and chassis / box for motion control cards. Rack-mount size 19″W x 5.5:H x 12.5″D 100-240 VAC Input.

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Tiger Controller Plugin Cards
Card Number Description
TGCOM Communication card. It connects to host computer with USB interface, and provides communication with all cards in the TG8 or TG16 box.
TGDCM2 Dual axis motion control card – one slot.
TGADEPT Single axis motion control card – two slots.
TGDAC DAC voltage control card, used for controlling 0-10V piezo devices.
TGFW Dual FW-1000 Filter wheel control card – two slots.
TGMM4 Four-axis micro-mirror scanner control card.
TGDAC Piezo DAC Card. It provides 2 DAC (0 to 10 V) outputs to control third party piezos.
TGCRISP CRISP card. It provides CRISP focus control of DC servo stage such as LS-50, has TTL I/O.
TGPLC Field-programmable card for digital logic, like a mini-FPGA.  Has eight front-panel I/O ports plus connections to the Tiger backplane.
TGTTL Jumper-configurable TTL card with four I/O ports.  For most applications this has been replaced by TGPLC.
TGBUF Two-channel 50ohm TTL driver.
TGLED Tiger plug-in card that can drive up to four MIM LED-LAMP-NRs (high brightness LED illuminators).