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Replacing the filter on the MPPI-3

(Be sure the power and the pressure is off to the system. You will need a replacement filter and also a Flat Head and Phillips Screwdriver and a ½” Wrench or adjustable Crescent Wrench to remove the cover, filter cover and filter).

Fig 1

Step 1: On a clean work table lay out the MPPI-3 and the tools. Locate the six side screws and remove the cover. Use the wrench to remove the filter cover but be sure to hold the filter support in the case and to allow clearance for the “Air Out” Hose Barb. See Figure 2.

Fig 2

Step 2: Slide off the filter cover and unscrew the flathead filter retaining screw, as seen in figures 3 and 4. Remove the filter and screw as seen in figure 5

Fig 3
Fig 4
Fig 5

Step 3: Swap the new filter with the old and retighten the flat head filter retaining screw on the MPPI-3 filter body, as seen in figure 6.

Fig 6

Step 4: Replace the filter cover and tighten till the o-ring is no longer visible and the cover is tight, see figure 7.

Fig 7

Step 5: Reattach the Air connection and listen for leaks before turning the unit on. The filter is the first part of the air system and leaks will be immediately apparent. Replace the MPPI-3 cover and tighten the six cover screws. Turn the unit and test its functionality.

If these steps don’t correct the air flow or you get a leak that won’t seal contact ASI for further instructions on this unit.

The MPPI-3 Milli Pulse Pressure Injector has been designed and tested to provide years of reliable service. In order to insure that the unit operates as designed, use only nitrogen or clean dry compressed air as the pressure source.

The MPPI-3 has an internal in-line air filter to exclude contaminants and guarantee the life of the solenoid valve. The filter protrudes from the rear panel for access to its moisture drain. The unit accepts a pressure source of up to 300 psi (2000 kPa) and has an output pressure range from 0 up to 100 psi (0 to 690 kPa).

The design of the MPPI-3 requires little maintenance on the part of the user. In fact, there are only two areas that the user needs to be aware. The first is to periodically check for moisture and other contaminants in the pressure source. The internal in-line filter that protrudes from the back of the unit has a small needle valve located on the bottom. This valve should be depressed periodically to check for moisture from the pressure source. If excessive moisture is noted, the pressure source should be changed. In the event that the filter becomes degraded or plugged again, contact ASI for another replacement.

Address: 29391 W Enid Rd. Eugene, OR 97402, USA | Phone: +1 (541) 461-8181
replacing_filter_on_mippi3.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/23 17:15 by