Using ASI Console to query PZINFO
PZINFO is a very helpful command when troubleshooting piezo related issue, and ASI Console is a free Windows program provided by ASI. This tech note is a quick overview on how to use ASI Console to query the controller. Note ASI Console only works with MS2000 and RM2000 series controllers.
First Download and install ASI Console
The above window is show when ASI Console is first launched. Pick the com port (if your unsure look for it in Windows Device Manager. It will be displayed as Silicon Labs CP210x… ). Next pick the baud rate, the default is 9600. Then click connect
When the connection is successful the text box above displays the connected controller's configuration. Also the connect button changes to Disconnect button. Next click the MS-2000 tab.
This Tab displays UI controls that let the user control the ASI controller. It displays the stage position and status (busy, limits etc) and controls to set stage speed and buttons to move the stage. The right side of this window is a simple serial terminal. Type the serial command to be sent in the text box shown, then click send. The console then prints the controller's reply in the grey text box. Send the reply the controller prints to ASI support for trouble shoot.
There are other alternatives to ASI Console. Few of them are